Getting a Job – Astrology Reading

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    • #156140 Reply

      Name- Suman M

      Date of Birth- 31 st July 1982,

      Time of birth- 9: 12 PM (21:12)

      Place- Calcutta, West Bengal, India

      Sex- Male

      By profession, I am a scientist in oncology. I have finished my PhD and residency in the USA. I have been living in the USA for the last 14 years. I’ve been searching for a job for almost a year now. I am looking for a job in the USA pharmaceutical industry as a scientist. Recently, I applied to several positions, and in a couple of cases, I was very close—but the offer went to someone else at the last moment. These setbacks have been incredibly disheartening. Despite everything, I’m still trying, but I haven’t had any positive outcomes yet. It feels like I’m going through a difficult phase in my life. When will I finally land a good job? When will my career take a positive turn?

    • #156172 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dr. Suman

      Moon period is from 15-7-2018 to 14-7-2028. Moon is in 9th house. Moon is in the star of Mercury in 5th house (5th  house) and sub of Jupiter in 7th house. 5th house and 9th house are not supportive for profession. 7th house is for your competitors. 9th house is supportive for higher education.

      For profession we consider 10th house. All the sub periods which passed till now are not supportive to your profession. Whenever the periods of the significators of 2nd house (finance), 6th house (day to day attendance) 10th house (profession) and 11th house (success) operated, in that period you might have had the opportunities of job.

      Ketu is the only strong significator of 10th house and 1st house (self). The period comes from 14-10-2025. Till then, you may be working with uncertainties.

      Moon is in the star of Mercury and sub of Jupiter (10th lord), So Moon sub sub period which is from 16-12-2024 to 28-1-2025 may give you a chance to get a job.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

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