Good year for buying property

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    • #143334 Reply
      Damira Arifullina

      Hallo, please advice which year is the best for buying first property for myself? I am planning to buy apartment in Kazan, Russia.

      Damira Arifullina

      19 October 1986


      born in Kazan, Russia


    • #161420 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mrs/Mr. Damira Arifullina

      I have taken Kazan as Gorod Kazan and coordinates as 49° 8′ E and 55° 45′ N.

      Your 4th cusp (house property) sub lord is Venus. Venus is in 6th house (debts, loans). Venus is signifying 10th house., which is 4th house to your spouse.  Venus is signifying 9th house (negotiations, agreements) and 5th house (success to spouse). Again 10th cusp (house property to spouse) sub lord Mercury is signifying 10th and 11th house, which is favourable to your spouse.

      I hope you will take a loan and enter into an agreement and there would be tensions if it is in your name. So please take the flat in the name of the spouse and yours jointly. Think your practical problems and act.

      I hope your will enter into an agreement and take possession in the period 2025-2026.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)



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