Guidance required

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    • #119243 Reply

      Navneet Sir, Help me to know.  Jobless situation is making me mad. When will it end. I am born in pune on 1st March 1972 at 01:13pm. (Male). please give some strength by your advice to fight this situation.

      my mother is staying separately since last 16 months and now demanding to sell the property to have additional  funds for her safety. I am unable to support her and run two house in current job less situation. I do what is a possible.

      How do you see these coming months for my new job and property related matter. Do you see property being sold ?
      warm Regards


    • #119244 Reply

      You will have better days from Sept 2022 when you will have a job of your liking. Moon antardasa in Jupiter Mahadasa. Regarding sale of property, it will depend on your mother’s horoscope.

    • #119477 Reply
      Neha Kumari Singh

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello sir my name is Neha Kumari Singh I wanted to ask.about my son he is 2.8 yrs old born on 2nd July 2019 at 8 am ,always he use to have health issues  also he has became very stubborn at times it is impossible to handle</p>

    • #119480 Reply

      He could be having stomach problems since his sixth house is very weak indicative of stomach diseases disturbing him. Was he breastfed or bottle fed? Giving goat’s milk everyday for a six months could improve his situation and if so, continue it for one or two more years. I have taken his birthtime as in Patna.

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