Autism and Speech Delay

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    • #133261 Reply

      My son 4 years old is not talking yet.

      Dob: 20/May/2019

      Time: 10:10 AM

      Place: Hyderabad

      1) Kindly check his kundali and let me know the remedies for speech.

      2) when he will start talking?

      3) is something called autism seen in his kundali?

      Reply me i am worried mom about my son future

    • #133305 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Mercury rules the 3rd house of the child chart. Mercury is the planet of communication and 3rd house is the house of speech. Mercury is in the 11th house and combust as it is close to the Sun. Moon is debilitated in Mercury nakshatra, Jyestha. You will have to take him for some speech therapy, and only then you will see improvement. Also make him wear an emerald in a silver pendant around his neck.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #133322 Reply

      I have already started speech therapy sir..but i don’t see much improvement. but wanted to know at what age he will start talking?? Will be become a normal child??


    • #133341 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Yes you will see improvement. Do the remedies suggested and also let him mix with his age children.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

    • #136515 Reply

      My son 3 years old is not talking yet.

      Dob: 17/July/2020

      Time: 10:30 AM

      Place: BHUBANESWAR

      1) Kindly check his kundali and let me know the remedies for speech.

      2) when he will start talking?

      3) what is the reason of speech issue

      Reply me i am worried mom about my son future

      • #137332 Reply


        Udaya Lagna in your son’s birth-chart is placed in Kanya/Vigro Rashi. Lagna Lord and natural significator or Naisargika Karaka for Speech and Communication Mercury/Budha seems to be well placed in his Swasthana in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi. But then, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu and placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the Fatal Trimsama degrees.

        Venus/Shukra, the 2nd lord of Speech & 9th of Bhagya/Luck seems to be well placed in his Swasthana. But then, he is too closely conjunct a strong Moon/Chandra. They seem to be at logger-heads, while being pre-occupied in a planetary war or Graha Yudha. Mars/Kuja, the 3rd lord of Communication is placed uncomfortably in the 7th house. He is not happy and will be detrimental to related significance.

        Soon after birth, the little one has had to endure the unpleasant transit of fierce Rahu across natal placement of Moon/Chandra and Venus/Shukra. All these factors have contributed to the stated observation.

        Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea for you to consider getting a detailed medical assessment/evaluation done. The sooner you act, the better off it would be for both the child and the family.

        Take care…

      • #137333 Reply


        Udaya Lagna in your son’s birth-chart is placed in Kanya/Vigro Rashi. Lagna Lord and natural significator or Naisargika Karaka for Speech and Communication Mercury/Budha seems to be well placed in his Swasthana in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi. But then, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu and placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the Fatal Trimsama degrees.

        Venus/Shukra, the 2nd lord of Speech & 9th of Bhagya/Luck seems to be well placed in his Swasthana. But then, he is too closely conjunct a strong Moon/Chandra. They seem to be at logger-heads, while being pre-occupied in a planetary war or Graha Yudha. Mars/Kuja, the 3rd lord of Communication is placed uncomfortably in the 7th house. He is not happy and will be detrimental to related significance.

        Soon after birth, the little one has had to endure the unpleasant transit of fierce Rahu across natal placement of Moon/Chandra and Venus/Shukra. All these factors have contributed to the stated observation.

        Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea for you to consider getting a detailed medical assessment/evaluation done. The sooner you act, the better off it would be for both the child and the family.

        Take care…

    • #137322 Reply
      Suganya Sivakumar

      My son 5.5 years old..DOB is 1/1/2018 time 10:54 pm place:Chennai,Tamilnadu..He is diagnosed with ADHD and speech delay.He is also not mingling with other people or kids.He is already going for therapy.Will he get better in the future?



      • #137330 Reply


        Chennai is a spread out city. So, ideally it would make sense to provide the locality information. Anyways, given birth-details (more specifically time) places Udaya Lagna or Ascendent at the edge of Simha/Leo Rashi, changing at the top of the hour.

        Assuming given details to be accurate, please be informed Chandra/Moon is placed in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. So, the child was born in and is currently in the midst of difficult Rahu (placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses/Hospital Expenses) Maha-Dasha, lasting till 2029. To make matters worse, low-profile miscreants Mandi and Gulika are placed there and a couple of years around/after CoVID-19 might have been very trying/traumatic for the child (and family). It would help if you could kindly recall any accidents and/or injuries – more specifically to his head/spine.

        That said, please let me/us know if the child have good hand/eye/leg coordination, hearing and comprehension skills etc. If not done ready, kindly consider getting an assessment for mental abilities and birth/genetic defect evaluation.

        Please consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha and Goddess Maha Kali with unwavering faith, bhaki/devotation and a strong sankalpa (requesting them for protection and their grace on the little one, as also your family), before getting the suggested medial assessment/evaluation.

        Take care…

    • #137597 Reply


      My son is 6 months old and he hasn’t started making any sounds yet. I am really worried about him since I see a lot of delay comparing with younger babies. Please could you check his kundali and let me know if he has any kind of condition?
      DOB: May 2nd 2023, 20:11

      Place: Stockholm, Sweden


      Thank you so much

      • #137635 Reply


        In my humble opinion, there does not seem to be any physiological problem with regards to speech or communication. But then, the strong foot-print and influence of Lunar Nodes Rahu-Ketu cannot be denied. So, please let me/us know if there were difficulties or complications at birth-time.

        Take care…

    • #137638 Reply


      Request you to kindly bear with me, as also feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking.

      Ideally, it would make sense for an in-person assessment of the native, family, understand their background, factor-in the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra etc., while trying to understand a Jataka or birth-chart. In a virtual online platform, we miss out a lot of obvious (let alone finer) details. We are forced to focus on the vague bits of information or limited details shared by the querant.

      In the current, I’m inclined to think there is something that is obvious and standing out. Hence, your concern and initiative to check. On my part, I’m inclined to think you are highlighting the result in your observation… and may not be focusing on identifying the root-cause contributing to the stated observation.

      Further, there is an undeniable foot-print and influence of the Lunar Nodes (Rahu-Ketu), which I think will make it harder to diagnose or pin-point the core/crux or root-cause. But then, I’d suggest that you dig deep and make a relentless effort. End of it, hopefully things may turn-out to be nothing… but do make an exhaustive effort.

      Take care…

    • #137718 Reply
      Devank Mehta

      DOB: 15 07 2018

      TIME: 11:50 AM

      PLACE: Pune

      My Son is diagnosed with Mild ASD and ADHD. He is not able to speak, we are taking Therapies but not much success.

      Can you please help us.

      • #137735 Reply


        Given birth-details seems to place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Virgo/Kanya Rashi. Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is placed in the 11th house of Cancer/Karkataka Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashlesha Nakshatra – ruled by himself. Moon/Chandra is placed alongside and way too close to Gandanta degrees. So, the child started his life at the very fag end of Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system).

        Soon after, the child seems to have started Maha-Dasha of Ketu… activating strong malefics Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja… along with 2nd & 9th lord Venus/Shukra placed in the 12th house. They are also directly or indirectly associated with Ketu. Saturn/Shani-dev is a nasty Roga-karaka (indicating a chronic or long-term condition) and placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. He is Vakra or Retrograde and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Moola/Mula Nakshatra ruled by Ketu… indicating perhaps a bit of unhomely environment.

        Current Antara is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev, placed in the 2nd house of Speech. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swati Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. To make matters worse, the child in the midst of Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra. Personally, I don’t like Moon/Chandra and Mercury/Budha being closely conjunct, nor them being in mutual aspect with Mars/Kuja placed in his Uccha-sthana or sign of exaltation – more so, when caught in the Rahu-Ketu axis. Further, there seems to be a strong foot-print and undeniable influence of the Lunar Nodes.

        Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea  to consider suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies to propitiate afflicted planets/Grahas.

        Take care…

    • #138101 Reply

      My Son was born on 30may2014. Time:12.23 am. Place of birth: Pune, Maharashtra. He has mild asd and adhd. He is still not talking as per his age. Speaks in low voice. Does not make friends. He goes for therapies. Please guide what can be done. We are very much worried as he will turn 10soon. This is affecting his studies and growth.

      • #138114 Reply


        Your son was born with Moon/Chandra (his 12th lord) was posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mrigashira Nakshatra, ruled by Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja. So, he started his life with Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). But then, Moon/Chandra, Mercury/Budha and Rahu are all (inimical to Mars/Kuja) posited in the Lunar Constellations ruled by Mars/Kuja were all activated.

        Currently (since October 2016), your son is in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha, who is Chara Atma-Karaka and he does not seem to be beneficially inclined. The Maha-Dasha will last until October 2034. So, there is a clear influence of Rahu and Mars/Kuja on the child.

        Given Mars/Kuja rules the 4th & 9th houses and inherent afflictions by way of association, I’m inclined to think the child might indeed (unfortunately) be in the autistic spectrum. In any case, it might not be a bad idea to consider propitiating and strong/appealing ways of appeasing Rahu, as per your religious faith/belief.

        Take care…

        • #138139 Reply

          What can be done for appeasing Rahu. Please advise for the remedies, so he can recover and his speech can get better.

        • #138150 Reply


          There are different ways of going about it, depending on the severity of the problem. In case you follow Hindu  religious faith, then you’ll be aware the fire ritual called Homa/Havan. Performing Rahu Shanti Homa/Havan or Chandika Homa/Havan. These are a bit expensive, especially if performed individually. There is also lesser expensive option by subscribing to the concept of performing the same in group/community or what is called Samuhika Homa/Havan.

          Alternately, you could consider offering special prayers to fierce form of Shakti… like Maha Durga, Maha Kali or Chamundeshwari and chanting simple mantras in praise of the Holy Mother and asking for her help to reign in Rahu. Please check around and consider whatever suite you the best. Doing so would at least give you the much needed mental strength, courage and peace of mind – at the bear minimum.

          Take care…

      • #138151 Reply


        By the way, would you kindly confirm the date and time of birth again… I’d like to confirm if the child born in the early morning (mid-night) hours or afternoon (mid-day).

        Just so you are aware, I’ve use 12:23 PM (not AM)… i.e, afternoon (mid-day) time.

        Take care…

        • #138241 Reply

          It is 12.23 am means it was 29latenight. But 30th May had started.

        • #138400 Reply

          Please let me know if reading is still the same with timing as 12.23am(its night) on 30May2014

        • #138407 Reply


          With the change in birth-time, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent changes to the Zodiac sign of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi.

          Now though, Moon/Chandra becomes the 6th lord, a Roga-Karaka, placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mrigashira Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja. So, he started his life with Maha-Dasha of Mars/Kuja, placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana  (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). But then, Moon/Chandra, Mercury/Budha and Rahu are all (inimical to Mars/Kuja) posited in the Lunar Constellations ruled by Mars/Kuja were all activated.

          Currently (since Januray 2020), your son is in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha, placed in the 9th house of Dharma-Sthana. He is not comfortable or happy being placed there and can be detrimental for related significance. Further, he is Chara Atma-Karaka and he does not seem to be beneficially inclined, while being placed in the Lunar Constellation of Chitta Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja. The Maha-Dasha will last until October 2034. So, there has been a clear influence of Rahu and Mars/Kuja on the child, since his birth.

          Presence of low-profile miscreants Mandi and Gulika in the 2nd house of Speech is a bit of a concern, along with below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga for 2nd lord Jupiter/Guru-dev, as is the placement and influence of Ketu in the 3rd house of communication. But then, none of these (in my personal opinion) would completely justify or qualify the stated problem for all these years.

          Take care…

        • #138529 Reply

          Thanks. Please suggest any remedies to boost his speech and confidence. By when will his speech issue get resolved.

        • #138533 Reply


          As called out earlier, presence of low-profile miscreants Mandi and Gulika in the 2nd house of Speech is a bit of a concern, along with below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga for 2nd lord (of speech) Jupiter/Guru-dev, as is the placement and influence of Ketu in the 3rd house of communication. But then, none of these (in my personal opinion) would completely justify or qualify the stated problem for all these years.

          In an ideal scenario, it would make sense to make a clear (physical or in-person) assessment of the situation, including medical examination of the child (if warranted) for arriving at a conclusion.

          In any case, based on limited information shared here, I think it would help to propitiate current Maha-Dasha lord Rahu and 2nd lord Jupiter/Guru-dev, after offering special prayers regularly to Lord Ganesha with unwavering bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

          Take care…

    • #138149 Reply

      I am really worried about my son. He turned 4,  has speech delay, not conversing.
      please advice.

      place: XXXXXXXX.
      Thank you.

    • #138152 Reply


      Given birth-time seems to place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Sandhi/Cusp – caught in transition on the edge of Zodiac sign of Capricorn/Makara Rashi (seems to change in less than 0 seconds). It is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Dhanista Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja. In any case, it would make sense to check/validate accuracy of birth-time.

      Just so you are aware, Moon/Chandra is placed in the Zodiac sign of Pisces/Meena Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra, ruled by Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev … who also happens to be Chara Atmakaraka. So, current Maha-Dasha is that of Saturn/Shani-dev (as per Vimsottari Dasha system), until August 2037. He is placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses/Medical Expenses, while begin closely conjunct Venus/Shukra and Ketu (caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis). Jupiter/Guru-dev is right behind (very close to the onset of CoVID-19 Pandemic). The child and in-turn parents/family have started experiencing Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra.

      If the birth-time is really accurate (which I think might indeed be the case), natural or Naisargika Aarogya Karaka Sun/Ravi ends up being the 8th lord of Randra-Sthana. Both Sun/Ravi and Mercury/Budha are placed in Badhaka-Sthana is not a good sign. Mercury/Budha being caught between Sun/Ravi and Badhaka Mars/Kuja in a strong Papakartari Yoga is not a good sign either.

      Given the situation, kindly consider seeking help/guidance from experienced and knowledgeable experts for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies. Until then, I think it would help if you were to consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong sankalpa. Along with that, please consider chanting the following verses for Koorma Avatara of MahaVishnu, from Dasavatara Sloka. In doing so, you would have propitiated both Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev as well as Mercury/Budha, the two grahas/planets related to the problem.

      avyaasoor bhuvanathrayee manibrutham
      kantoo yanairathrinaa ||

      nithraanasya parasya koorma vapusho
      niswasa vaathormaya: ||

      yadhvikshepana samskrutho dhathi baya:
      prengkola paryankikaa ||

      nithyaarohana nirvritho viharathe
      deva: sahaiva sriyaa ||

      Take care…

    • #138531 Reply

      My son 8 years old is facing issues socially and in studies

      Dob: 05/June/2015

      Time: 11:04 AM

      Place: San Jose, California, USA

      India Dob Time: 05/June/2015, 11:34 PM

      1) Kindly check his kundali and let me know the remedies.

      2) Do you see autism in his kundali?

      • #138532 Reply


        As per birth-details and Ayanamsha I use, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent seems to be placed in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi. Uccha or exalted Roga-Karaka (as also Bhagya-Karaka) Jupiter/Guru-dev and Badha-Karaka Venus/Shukra are placed alongside… is not really a good sign (although they create a Roja Yoga).

        Incidentally, Lagna Lord Moon/Chandra is placed in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Dhanur Rashi, ruled by Jupiter/Guru-dev. They participate in an unfavorable Parivarthana Yoga… more specifically for health related aspects, in the current Maha-Dasha of Moon/Chandra (which started in February 2020), as per Vimsottari Dasha system.

        On the sidelines, aspects of Mars/Kuja on Saturn/Shani-dev placed in the 5th house and Moon/Chandra placed in the 6th house is a bit of a cause for concern with regards to the child’s temperament. And, the child was born when Saturn/Shani-dev was transiting the 12th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, the child (and invariably the immediate family) has been experiencing the effects of Sade-Sathi for most parts since his birth. On that specific topic, I’d like to know/understand how the child’s living/home environment has been… since the 4th house of homely comforts seems to be caught in a Papakartari Yoga.

        On my part, I’m inclined to think the child has his fair share of planetary afflictions and is no different from rest of others. So, there is no excessive/overt or standout issue.

        That said, in an ideal scenario, it would make sense to make a clear assessment of the situation, including medical examination of the child (if warranted) for arriving at a conclusion.

        Take care…

    • #138607 Reply

      Hi Sir, My son has development delay and speaking are hia details

      Date of birth 22nd November 2013

      Place: Hyderabad

      Time of birth:12:01 AM


      Kindly let me know when he shall start speaking and be ome normal

      • #138624 Reply


        There are some afflictions in the birth-chart, as per the birth-details shared in your post. For instance, Mercury/Budha caught between a powerfully placed Saturn/Shani-dev (who in reality is the Lagna Lord) and Rahu in the 10 house of Karma-Sthana or Jupiter/Guru-dev (Maha-Dasha lord at birth, as per Vimsottari Dasha system) being Vakra/Retrograde and having below part Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga are not good signs.

        But then, I’m having a hard time connecting the dots to conclusively confirm the stated problem, with planetary disposition. So, request you to kindly recheck and validate the birth-details.

        Take care…

    • #139773 Reply

      Sir my son 6year old he is not speaking sentences or words 28/5/2018 10:15am is date of birth  kolar karnataka birth place we sent three times for speech therapy but failed to complete the session dont what to pls suggest me what i should do

      • #139785 Reply


        Request you to kindly double check and confirm the birth-details.. including time of birth to be AM (morning) and not PM (night).

        It would also help if you could kindly elaborate, by providing relevant details to helped set the context.

        Take care…

    • #140082 Reply
      Kenyata Cain


      My son is 2.5 years old and he has speech delay. He babbles a lot. Born August  6,2021 at 2:20am in Cincinnati,Ohio. Is there anything I should do ?

    • #142449 Reply
      Mahesh kambale

      My daughter having autism last 3 yrs. Her date of birth 29.03.2018 time 5.15PM place kallam, osmanabad district in Maharashtra india.
      Pl suggest any astrological details issue and remedies over the same.
      Pl do the needful.

      • #142496 Reply


        I typed a long response to your query and lost it, after my system conked off…

        Anyways, I’m inclined to think there are multiple afflictions bothering the little one and in turn you guys. To start with, placement of Lagna Lord Sun/Ravi and 2nd & 11th lord Mercury/Budha in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana and Mercury/Budha’s Neecha-Sthana is not a good sign… nor is 12th lord Moon/Chandra’s placement alongside Udaya Lagna and does not seem to have much of support on either side of the flanks, making her mind wander and in-turn contributing to limited focus.

        Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja is hemmed with Saturn/Shani-dev in the house of Purva-Punya (past life Karma), creating a Chanda-Marutha Yoga. Both Mars/Kuja and Saturn/Shani-dev are currently active, by virtue of current Maha-Dasha lord Venus/Shukra’s placement. Jupiter/Guru-dev is neither comfortable nor happy being placed in the 3rd house of Courage, probably making her a bit tentative.

        Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea for you to consider seeking help/guidance from experienced and knowledgeable folk (not necessarily money minded ones) for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies.

        Take care…

    • #142611 Reply


      I have a daughter born on 14/05/2019 at 3.15pm

      in Mumbai , Maharashtra

      since she had speech delay , we consulted the doctors who opined that she is adhd and may have mild autism .

      She is 5 year now , answers only the questions we ask her , doesnot interact with children of her age .

      please let us know issues astrologically and suggest remedies.

    • #142612 Reply


      I have a daughter born on 14/05/2019 at 3.15pm

      in Mumbai , Maharashtra

      since she had speech delay , we consulted the doctors who opined that she is adhd and may have mild autism .

      She is 5 year now , answers only the questions we ask her , doesnot interact with children of her age .

      please let us know issues astrologically and suggest remedies.

    • #142613 Reply



      Kindly ignore the earlier query, as month was mentioned wrongly.

      I have a daughter born on 14/03/2019 at 3.15pm

      in Mumbai , Maharashtra

      since she had speech delay , we consulted the doctors who opined that she is adhd and may have mild autism .

      She is 5 year now , answers only the questions we ask her , doesnot interact with children of her age .

      please let us know issues astrologically and suggest remedies.

    • #142636 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi. Lagna Lord Moon/Chandra is placed at the edge of his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation in the Zodiac sign of Taurus or Vrishaba Rashi is good. But then, Moon/Chandra surrounded by powerful Mars/Kuja (although Yogakaraka), Rahu, and low-profile miscreants Maandi & Gulika is not good sign… nor the fact that he has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga.

      More importantly, I’m drawn to the placements of Jupiter/Guru-dev and Mercury/Budha. Both of them are placed in mute signs (as is Udaya Lagna or Ascendent). Jupiter/Guru-dev is placed very close to deep Gandanta degrees, while Mercury/Budha has not managed to get out of his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation… even though he is Vakra or Retrograde. Incidentally, they are in Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level, with and activating each other. They are Karakas for Speech, Hearing and Communication.

      Incidentally, the little one started her life in Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja’s Maha-Dasha…who had activated Jupiter/Guru-dev. Thereafter (since last year) with start of Rahu Maha-Dasha, his Rashi depositor Mercury/Budha and Nakshatra depositor Jupiter/Guru-dev have been activated.

      So, I’m inclined to agree with the medical diagnosis/conclusion. That said, I’m left wondering if the little one is able to and sharp at hearing.

      Further, I’m not sure if it’s my intuition, imagination or the simple fact that naturally benefic planets are precipitating matters… for I feel there might be an outside chance of improvement with appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies. So, please consider seeking help/guidance from experienced and knowledgeable experts (not money minded ones) for suitable or appropriate parihara.

      Take care…

    • #142682 Reply
      Piyush Sharma

      Hello Sir,

      My daughter Dityaa Sharma DOB is 26-09-2018 time 11:51 am Place: Noida. She is suffering from autism and speech delay. We are giving her therapies from last 2 years with good overall improvement but speech part is still an obstacle. We have done several japas and homas suggested by some astrologer but we cannot see any significant improvement.

      Can you please study her horoscope and suggest some remedies.

    • #142722 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio or Vrischika Rashi (a mute sign) – surrounded by low-profile miscreants Maandi & Gulika placed alongside and Saturn/Shani-dev placed in the 2nd house. Lagna Lord Mars/Kuja is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. He is conjunct Ketu.

      Moon/Chandra seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere… with very little support on either side of the flanks, making the native’s mind wander aimlessly . He is in the 5th house in the Zodiac sign of Pisces or Meena Rashi (a mute sign) and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Revathi Nakshatra, ruled by Mercury/Budha. So, the little one has started her life in Maha-Dasha of Mercury/Budha, who seems to be strongly placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation and Moola-Trikona in the Zodiac sign of Virgo or Kanya Rashi. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Hasta Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra. So, they are participating in a Sukshma Parivarthana, at the Nakshatra level… activating each other. With Moon/Chandra being active… the 9th house of Bhagya/Dharma-Sthana has gotten activated…trigging Rahu (placed in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi – another mute sign) who is neither happy nor comfortable being placed there.

      Further, Jupiter/Guru-dev the (2nd &) 5th lord of Purva-Punya or past life credits being placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses/Hospital or Medical expenses is not a good sign.

      In any case, it would perhaps make sense to address the influence of Moon/Chandra and Rahu by propitiating them.

      Take care…

      • #142776 Reply
        Piyush Sharma

        Thank you so much sir for the detailed reply.

        Sir, what do you see in her horoscope like when she will start speaking or be normal and move out of her present situation.

        Thanks in advance.

        • #142854 Reply


          Request you to kindly bear with me and please feel free to ignore any part of my understanding/response, that may not be to your liking or taste… as also feel free to seek as many alternate opinions as you like/prefer. And, as always I hope any unpleasant or adverse prophecies are proven wrong…

          As called out earlier, your daughter is in the midst of Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha (she is extremely intelligent… much more than his mind can manage, not to mention the affect of Rahu), until May 2028. Thereafter she starts Maha-Dasha of Ketu (as per Vimsottari Dasha system) and subsequently that of Venus/Shukra. The planets and their unwanted or vicious influences seems to exist in a direct or indirect way, at least for some more time. So, pacifying afflicted/affect planets from time to time would perhaps be the way forward – although, there will be some good/better times spread in between, based on various factors.

          Take care…

    • #142805 Reply

      My son’s date of birth is 29th March 2020. Time 11.49 am birth place lalitpur Nepal

      He is having difficulty communicating please can yiu check his kundalu guru je?

    • #142852 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Gemini or Mithuna Rashi, alongside a powerfully placed Rahu and aspected by 7th & 10th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev, placed along with Ketu.

      Lagna Lord and 4th lord Mercury/Budha is placed in the 9th house and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu.

      Moon/Chandra is the 2nd lord. He is placed in the 12th house and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by 3rd lord of Communication Sun/Ravi, placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana. He seems to be quite powerful (has Digbala, high Shadbala and Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga). So, the little one started his life in the midst of Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha and switched to that of Moon/Chandra from early 2021.

      Incidentally, there seems to be a strong foot-print and an undeniable influence of Sun/Ravi in the birth-chart. Moon/Chandra, Venus/Shukra, Jupiter/Guru-dev, Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja are all posited in the Lunar Constellations of either Krithika Nakshatra or Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi… who himself is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn/Shani-dev… thereby participating in a Sukshma Parivarthana, at the Nakshatra level and activating all the Dusthana (6th, 8th and 12th) lords, along with low-profile miscreants Maandi & Gulika (who are placed in the 3rd house of Communication in the Zodiac sign of Leo or Simha Rashi).   More importantly, Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja are very powerfully placed in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn or Makara Rashi (Saturn/Shani-dev’s Swasthana and Mars/Kuja’s Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation) and in very close conjunction, creating a very strong Agni-Marutha Yoga. So, the child has abundance of energy and extreme temperament… more of uncontrollable anger issues. This could very well morph into personality issues.

      On the sideline, Saturn/Shani-dev, Mars/Kuja, Jupiter/Guru-dev, Moon/Chandra and Rahu-Ketu are all very powerfully placed (and most of them are currently activated) and are influencing the child. He is having a hard time managing such varied / very strong influences and at a very young age. So, it would make sense for you to consider propitiating and calming them down. In my humble opinion, you are dealing with a lot more than communication problem (just imagine what happens to folk, when they lose their temper… the child seems to be dealing with a whole lot more),

      Take care…

    • #142860 Reply


      Your son seems to be a little bit like and perhaps a very small miniature of Sun/Ravi himself (at least the energy part). So, please try to understand Fusion reactions on the Sun/Ravi (and other Stars) by reading the following and other such articles and try to understand what your son (and in-turn you guys) might be dealing with.

      In case there is any truth in my understanding, it would perhaps make sense for you guys to consider harnessing inherent and overflowing energy.

      Take care…

    • #142855 Reply


      Your son seems to be a little bit like and perhaps a very small miniature of Sun/Ravi himself (at least the energy part). So, please try to understand Fusion reactions on the Sun/Ravi (and other Stars) by reading the following and other such articles and try to understand what your son (and in-turn you guys) might be dealing with.

      In case there is any truth in my understanding, it would perhaps make sense for you guys to consider harnessing inherent and overflowing energy.

      Take care…

      Take care…

    • #143644 Reply
      Gulab A. Singh

      Male Child of 15 year old – DOB 16/03/2009 10:10AM at Bhilai, Durg in the state of Chhattisgarh. He does not speak nor communicate properly. He speak only in one word as per his food requirement. Kindly enlighten us.

    • #143654 Reply


      Please check and confirm birth-details shared are accurate. If birth-details are accurate, I do not see any problem with the child’s speech. He is most definitely not autistic… although he probably has bouts of temper due to mutual aspect of Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja.

      For the records, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent is placed in in the Zodiac sign of Taurus or Vrishaba Rashi. Lagna lord Venus/Shukra is Vakra or Retrograde and is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. Moon/Chandra is the 3rd lord of Communication is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in the 7th house, in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio or Vrischika Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Anuradha Nakshatra, ruled by Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev. So, the child has started his life in Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). So, Moon/Chandra, the 3rd house and Ketu placed in there have been activated…contributing to some level of detachment and communication issues.

      Given the situation, it would perhaps make sense for you guys to consider propitiating Ketu and strengthening Moon/Chandra.

      Take care…

    • #144805 Reply

      Name: Vaishnavi
      DOB: 21-March-2020
      Place of Birth: New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA [40.4862° N, 74.4518° W]
      Time of Birth: 9:16 AM
      Time Zone:4:00:00 (West of GMT) or EDT (-04:00)

      My daughter has Speech and Development delays and was diagnosed with ASD. Is there a hope for getting better in future? She started singing rhymes and reading books at the age of 2 but functional language/communication is almost near zero. The lagna is on the cusp (changes to Taurus at 9:20), some say it is Aries and some say it is Taurus. We had good hope till last month but things are starting to get worse since April 2024. Please advise.

    • #144821 Reply


      Birth-details shared in the query does seem to place Udaya Lagna in Sandhi/Cusp – caught in transition at the edge of Aries/Mesha Rashi. A delay of less than 4 minutes would have pushed it to Taurus/Vrishaba Rashi. It is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Krithika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. It would perhaps make sense to check/validate accuracy of birth-details… instead of speculating.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Rahu, placed in Gemini/Mithuna Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by himself. Antara is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev, who is well placed in his Swasthana in Sagittarius/Dhanur Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Utttrashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. Mercury/Budha the Karaka for Communication as the depositor of Rahu, as also by virtue of being hosted in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra has been active.

      Sun/Ravi is the natural Karaka or signifier of Aarogya/Health, Pita/Fathan etc. Assuming birth-time is accurate, his placement in the 12th house (where he is neither happy nor comfortable and can be detrimental to related significance) is not preferred. He has a strong foot-print and influence in the unfolding of Karma in the child’s life. He participates in Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level, with Saturn/Shani-dev.

      Lastly, the child and in-turn, the immediate family has been under the influence of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra – not the best of times.

      I’m of the humble opinion that the diagnosis of ASD may not be right/accurate – please be patient and not lose hope. In any case, it would perhaps help if you could consider appeasing Rahu-Ketu (the Lunar Nodes) and Mars/Kuja, as also strengthening Sun/Ravi.

      PS: It may not be a bad idea for you to share birth-details of parents to understand the concept of collective Karma.

      Take care…

      • #144823 Reply

        Thank you for your response. She was born a natural birth and the time was 9:16 AM but the umbilical cord was cut only a few minutes later, not sure if this matters.

        Parents details as follows:

        Father – 20-april-1982, 8:55 am, Chennai

        Mother – 17-feb-1982, 9:05 pm, Coimbatore

        Would like to have further conversation/consultation if you can please share your email or send an email to [email protected]. We are going through really tough times and any help is sincerely appreciated.

        Thank you!

    • #144848 Reply


      I can understand and relate to your situation. You are in the peak of Sade-Sathi and your wife is in the midst of a Neecha or debilitated Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). Further, 5th lord/house are active… as are the dreaded conjunction/combination of Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja.

      There seems to be something unconventional about your marriage, with a good possibility of the two of you getting attracted to each other. On the one side there seems to be love/attraction and on the other you are not able to bear with each other’s anger and perhaps personality issues. Any timid individual in either of your place would have probably given up long back.

      On the sidelines, kindly share a little bit about your father and the relationship with him.

      Take care…

    • #147271 Reply
      Arvind Kumar

      Name -Atharv Mishra

      D.O.B- 1st March 2016

      Time- 12:14 min

      Place – Delhi

      My Son is diagnosed ASD. He is taking therapies but there is not much change. Kindly let me know will he be recovered? what will be his future?


    • #147275 Reply


      Just so you are aware, if birth-time is mid-day, Udaya Lagna will be placed at the edge of Taurus/Vrishaba Rasi. Moon/Chandra is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Scorpio/Vrishchika Rasi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Anuradha Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn/Shani-dev. So, the child has started his life in the later part of Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha (and currently close to the fag end – lasting till later part of 2026, as per Vimsottari Dasha system), who is placed alongside and loosely conjunct a powerfully placed (in his Swasthana) Mars/Kuja – his sworn enemy. Naturally, Saturn/Shani-dev is not happy or comfortable being placed in his enemy’s house. To make matters worse, the two of them seem to be gearing up for a nasty head-butt and Moon/Chandra is caught right in the middle…in a very strong Papakartari Yoga. So, the mind is extremely stress. Conjunction of a hot and blazing Mars/Kuja and windly Saturn/Shani-dev creates a strong Agni-Marutha Yoga, making the child extremely short-tempered, when he loses his cool/composure… to the extend of him not being himself (a sort of dual personality). He will be capable of being very aggressive, throwing awkward tantrums, breaking things, hurting himself or others – the poor chap would hardly realize what he might be doing. Placement of Rahu-Ketu in Kendras is not helping his stressed mind.

      Request you to kindly share your observations of the child (please confirm he was born mid-day or afternoon) and describe the problem as you understand it to be. Also, provide some insight into the environment at home, to help further assess the birth-chart and associated Karma.

      Take care…

    • #147571 Reply

      HI Sir,

      My daughter is diagnosed with mild syptoms of ADHD and speech delay and very moody.


      DOB: 13/Jan/2019

      Time: 09:54 AM Sunday

      Place : Bangalore


      Please advise what parihara/ Rituals to be done and also we got that she have any Balarishta dosha






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