Horoscope to become IFS officer

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    • #15890 Reply

      Time:11:49 AM

      Mein Indian Foreign Service Officer banna chahta hu. Kya meri kundli me ye yog hai

    • #15892 Reply

      Aap uske bare me bhool jayiye. Aisa koyi yog aapke kundali mei nahi hai.

    • #15917 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      In the olden days,every parent says that his son will become a collector.
      You make self assessment whether you deserve the post you ask for.
      There is weakness in your horoscope.
      People are worried more about about jobs and then getting decently married,
      without trying to clean their horoscope from bad luck.
      Without cleaning your horoscope,the job you get is a small one
      either in India or in a foreign country.The job involves so many
      troubles.Negativity in horoscope,spoils not only your job
      prospects but also other things of your life.
      Astrology is not meant to answer your job question or marriage
      Sages invented astrology to know the quantum of sins or good things
      of the individual from his previous life.Then they will guide the
      persons to do penance(tapas )for 3 or 4 years,to reduce bad luck.
      That is why India is called Karma bhoomi.Karma means doing penance.
      You have to do penance for 2 years to reduce serious bad load of
      previous birth.
      Penance means avoiding milk,curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,sweets,
      dry fruits,nonveg,fish,eggs for 2 years.You can eat routine meals
      and tiffins.
      Another way of doing penancce is doing fast for one day in a week.
      On that day you can eat any number of uncooked vegetables.
      Puja,japa or homam will have ten times effect,if combined with

    • #106610 Reply

      1 June 1995
      Rourkela odisha India
      Sir should I prepare for upsc

    • #106670 Reply

      Certainly. Never give up on any chance.

      • #116865 Reply

        Yashi SRIVASTABA


        8:35 AM


        Will be attempting upsc cse in 2023

        Are there chances for Indian foreign Service (ifs)?

    • #116869 Reply

      You have good chances of having a lucrative career, but it will not be with the All India services. May be you will be employed well in a far off place. You can have a full scientific evaluation of your horoscope after reading through my blog navagrahastronew.blogspot.com

      • #116985 Reply

        Greetings sir

        Can you please look at my cousin’s chart he is pursuing electrical engineering but seems bit disinterested in it, majorly he reads about forest and wildlife, sometimes upon international relations and practice computer coding he says he is confused to pursue higher education in computer science or prepare for Indian foreign/forest service he has multiple interest

        Dob – 29/03/2000

        Place- Bhopal

        Time – 14:10

        Can you please suggest which would be better for him 🙏

    • #116986 Reply

      Without a basic degree in Engineering or some other subject as prescribed in UPSC, he cannot write for All India services examination. Let him complete the degree and then we will suggest a suitable Civil Service Service approved subject.

      • #116988 Reply

        Thank you for your reply sir

        he is in 7th Semester and placed in an IT company he will complete his degree this academic year

    • #116989 Reply

      Contact us after he gets his degree and let us know his grade. His career house is not that potent to get an All India Service rank.

      • #116991 Reply

        Thank you for your time and reply i would surely contact you it would be great if you share your blog link and other contact details for detailed horoscope analysis and remedies

        as you mentioned about his career house potential that might be the reason despite clearing NDA and SSB he was rejected on medical grounds

    • #116996 Reply

      You can contact me on Whatsapp if necessary which is there on my profile. You can click on my photo.

    • #117298 Reply
      Sucheta Sharma

      Name Saisha Sharma

      DOB – 25/05/1997

      Place – Jammu

      Time – 11:55am

      Any chances in Ifs

    • #117315 Reply

      Your Sun is quite powerful and a job with government is quite likely.

    • #117877 Reply

      Recently there is an inclined interest of mine to give indian foreign services, Sir. Please help me to strengthen my belief on it.

      DoB 9/6/1997

      Time 21:42

      Place Pathankot, Punjab

      Any scope to be indian diplomat?

      (Also I couldn’t find your contact details on profile, where can I come in contact with you sir?)



    • #117881 Reply

      There is hardly any chance of being a diplomat through IFS. May be he could become an ambassador through political channel. My whatsapp number is +91 9847823847.

    • #130303 Reply
      Radhika Chandhok

      My birth details are as follows:

      Date: 30th January 1997
      Time: 11:55 Am
      Place: Ambala, Haryana

      Will I be able to become an IFS officer?

      • #153964 Reply


        Please provide an update of your pursuit. Just so you are aware, you are in the midst of a good or benefic time with a pretty good/decent Raja Yoga running. Put your best effort.

        Take care…

    • #153925 Reply
      yashaswi mahapatra

      dob: 21st may, 2005
      time: 8:50 pm

      place: balangir, odisha

      can I become an ifs officer?

      • #153930 Reply


        In my understanding of your birth-chart, there is very limited Yogas for such a role/position… although you seem to have requisite drive/initiative and ability to work hard.

        Take care…

    • #153997 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr.Yashaswi Mahapatra

      You will have a secured job.  Your present period is good.

      Your 10th cusp is in Virgo 20° 7′ 55″, in Mercury sign Moon star and Ketu sub. It is aspected Mars from 3rd house and Venus from 6th house. Mars indicates police or defence, in which you wear uniform. 3rd house indicates courage and valour. 6th house indicates regular service. Moon is lord of 8th house in 10th house.  Ketu is in 10th house. So Ketu gives reputaion and profession.

      Your lagna sub lord is Jupiter in 9th house. You like discipline. As ketu is signifying Jupiter you will gain reputation through your efforts. So you will get a job with good salary.

      Present period is Jupiter-Saturn-Venus . Jupiter gives 10th house (profession) and 8th house(sudden employment or compassionate appointment) through 4th house i.e in home land or native place .

      Saturn gives 2nd house (finance) and 7th house (the person whom you deal or competitor) and also 9th house( temporary or independent nature) through a job of compassionate grounds. Saturn gives a position after a person dies or very hard to manage or which requires to work hard.

      Venus gives 10th house (profession), 11th house (ambition fulfillment), 8th house (compassionate appointment) through 3rd house (communication, touring or movement from one place to other  with courage and valour)

      So blending all these you will surely get your desired job in this period. As Sun (security of job from government) is no there, I can not strongly say it is in forest department.

      I assume it is good period for you to get a job.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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