Horrible pregnancy time

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    • #162520 Reply

      Hello sir I am pregnant but having lots of pregnancy complications that’s why I am very scared plz tell me whether I will pass this journey happily or not??Is This time favourable for me for baby delivery?plz reply
      25/12/1990 , 6:10 P.m , Hooghly (West Bengal )

    • #162526 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You are passing through a period of Venus and Rahu which is not good.

      Do the below remedies

      Santan Gopal Mantra “Om Devaki Suta Govinda Vasudeva Jagatpate, Dehi Me Tanayam Krishna Tvaamaham Sharanam Gatah”

      Read Hanuman Chalisa daily

      Put Kesar Tilak

      besides that take good diet and rest.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

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