Is there any Chandal dosha in my horoscope.

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by TMR.
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    • #2354 Reply

      Please tell if there is any Chandal Dosh Dosha or any other dosha in my horoscope,  my date of birth is 30-11-1987 at 2.15 AM hrs at Ludhiana, Punjab. Please do suggest remedy for it.

    • #2357 Reply

      There is a touch of Chandal Dosha since Jupiter and Rahu are wide apart with 20 degrees difference in their longitude. And moreover there is a conjunction of a benefic Moon. So nothing to worry about it. Moreover it is only a myth in Astrology. Read my articles

    • #2371 Reply

      There may be no Chandal dosha as stated above but surely as Rahu and Moon are conjoined together with difference of less than 1 degree, you have strong Gharan dosha. You also have Mars in the 8th house making you strong Mangal dosha also known as Ashtam Mangal. Remedies given below should be done very religiously.

      1. Recite Mantra Om Namaha Shivaye.
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.
      3. Keep fast on Mondays.

    • #2373 Reply

      Name -Ravi Bhojwani

      D/0/B – 20/08/1986

      Place of Birth – vadodara,India

      I’m going through very bad patch of time,my friends have turned into enemies,I’ve lost my good paying job ,there have been many unexpected big expenses in last 6 months
      please advise me that do i have chandal dosha or is this happening due to saturn and Rahu transition ?
      and I’d be very grateful to you ,if you could give me some remedy to overcome this problems


    • #2374 Reply

      Do give the accurate time of birth too for giving you an answer if possible.

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