Is trading good for me

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    • #148384 Reply

      male dob 22/06/2002 8am in bangalore

      currently got good job offer in software developement

      however i am more interested in trading

      is trading good for me?

      Also facing a lot of health issues since childhood

      when will i get rid of all these health problems?

    • #148400 Reply


      Assuming the birth details are accurate, Ascendent or Udaya Lagna in your birth-chart is placed in Cancer/Karkataka Rashi and Lagna Lord Moon/Chandra is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation… making you relatively weak minded. To make matters worse, he seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere and does not have much support on either sides of the flank. This makes your mind wander and run wild. It has also made you a bit of a lonesome person with few friends and limited social life.

      You’ve recently started Maha-Dasha of 3rd & 12th lord Mercury/Budha. He is placed in the 11th house of Labha-Sthana or house of gains. But then, he is conjunct Saturn/Shani-dev and Rahu and is not really a benefic.

      Mars/Kuja, the 5th & 10th lord is a Yogakaraka. He is placed in the 12th house and has been activated and hence the urge/inclination to indulge in trading.

      Given the situation, I’m of the humble opinion that speculation/gambling/trading is not really be good for you. If I were to take the liberty, I’d suggest that you completely stay away from them.

      Incidentally, the conjunction of Mars/Kuja and Jupiter/Guru-dev (along with Sun/Ravi) is creating a pretty decent Dhana Yoga. So, you’ll probably make good money… but will lose/spend as much or more. Be cautious…

      Take care…

    • #148443 Reply

      Yes you are right.
      I am bit of a lonesome person with few friends and limited social life.

      However doesnt Venus cause neecha bhanga in my chart?
      If yes, when will this effect take place?
      Thank you.

    • #148465 Reply
      Ananth jan

      As per  chart of native karkadaka lagna  trading  means stock markerket or ordinary  trading which will defer to take the karaka   5th lord mars is place in its 8th house thats means 12th house of native  but   Rahu is karaka of gamble trading   who has in mars  constellation and position in 11 house  with mercury and saturn this connection has 7/8/and3/12 but signify the gain from trading as a selling side profiter  frequently  because 3 house moment 12 th selling that is meaning giveup  7 house is opposit party 8 th means  opposit side income  has come as a gain to the native chart 11 house. So that this is seller tradet  gives good result

    • #148480 Reply

      Thanks for the insights.
      I couldnt make much sense but I think sell side trading is good according to you.

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