Job changes in 2024

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    • #152650 Reply

      Respected Sir, I am searching job in middle east. Do you see me getting this in 2024. My date of birth is 1972.01.march at 1pm in Maharashtra Pune

    • #152662 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sir

      I have seen your earlier messages in the past. If there is any difference in date, time  or place of birth, it will not work out correctly. Every astrologer will go only on the correct data and give their predictions. It is a time waste to work out on incorrect data. Please note this. You have given in earlier mails, that time of birth is hr.13.12 mts. Now you are giving hr.13.00. Please note that even though this forum is free for one or two questions, utilize this service by giving exact particulars.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #152834 Reply

      JVS Rao sir,

      The date on the patrika ia 13.12.

    • #152862 Reply

      2024 brings fresh opportunities for career growth and new beginnings. Embrace the change and unlock your full potential in the year ahead.

    • #152863 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sankul

      I have seen your mails in different names and your wife’s also in different names seeking guidance. I understood that you are so anxious about your job.

      In the `

    • #152864 Reply
      JVS Rao

      In the chart,  there is a clear indication for you to get a job or communication by 25-09-2024 but you will move out only in Rahu bhukti which is from 09-11-2024.

      Be happy,

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #152899 Reply

      Thank you Sir for your continued support.

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