Jupiter & Saturn conjunction in first house makes you a balanced and ethical person but their retrogression makes them weak to give full results. Exalted moon in 9th house is good for you although Sun in 8th house is causing combustion of Mars and Venus (but gives you an aptitude to have a keen penetrating intellect). Rahu is excellent for you in 11th house placed in sub of Saturn with moon as sublord but Mars is extremely bad for your lagna and you lost your job in Rahu-Mars which makes sense as Mars is placed in 8th house and weak.
Jupiter is supposed to be good for your ascendant but being retrograde and placed in nakshatra of 12th lord Sun with Ketu as sublord is not fruitful. It has 6,8,12 combination in nakshatra and sublord which is bad and probably reason despite Jupiter period starting from 22/10/2016 u don’t have a job yet when Jupiter is transiting your ascendant also.
Jupiter transit to libra in Sep 2017 and Saturn to Sagitarrius in OCt 2017 will activate 6th house of job but real happiness and success will come in Jup-Sat period from 10/12/2018 to 23/6/2021 as Saturn is placed in nakshatra of 11th lord Moon and has moon as sublord as well.
God bless,
Astrologer Deepak