Life partner meeting time

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    • #150499 Reply

      When I will meet future life partner?25/8/2004

      9:56 am colombo srilanka

    • #150539 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per your horoscope we see that your lagan or ascendant is Virgo or Kanya. 7th house is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is posited in the 12th house which is not a good placement for Jupiter. Jupiter is also weak as it is in “Varidh Avastha”  at 29 degrees.

      There is Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope. Rahu in the 8th house aspects the 7th lord Jupiter. Ketu aspects Venus which is the significator of marriage, love and romance. Venus is also conjoined with Saturn which is the natural malefic planet and brings delays and obstacles. Your marriage house and significator or karka is very weak. This means that horoscope matching should be done before marriage. Marriage can be delayed due to the reasons explained above. Marriage seems to be after the 25th year of birth.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

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