Looking for foreign settlement in my birth chart

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    • #156077 Reply


      I want to know if I have any opportunities or foreign settlement in my birth chart. How will my career be in the future.

      Date of birth – 25 February 2003
      Time – 11:55 pm
      Place – jaipur, rajasthan

      Thanks in advance


    • #156084 Reply
      JVS Rao


      There are feeble chances to go abroad. You will be (or already) employed in your native place or nearby place in India only. You are an engineering graduate connected with chemicals or in pharma field. You will not move out leaving your family. Present period is good for employment.

      You might have gone on a long distance (chances for abroad) in the period 12-5-2021 to 12-3-2024. Sun period starts from 12-5-2005 to 12-5-2031. This period is good for professional development.  Sun period is good for foreign travel and financial improvement. In 2026-27, you may settle there.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)


    • #156086 Reply

      To determine if you have opportunities for foreign settlement and insights into your career, an astrologer would analyze key aspects of your birth chart, such as the placement of the 9th and 12th houses, which are related to foreign travels and settlements. The presence of specific planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Jupiter in these houses can indicate foreign prospects. For career predictions, the 10th house (career house), along with the position of planets like the Sun or Mercury, gives insights into professional growth, stability, and success.

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