Love -cum arranged marriage

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    • #33577 Reply

      Hello navneet sir ji ,
      This is Priyanka,
      My dob :20-10-1989 ,
      Tob: 10:10 am
      Place :warangal ,

      I’m in love with one guy ,
      Did I have the possibility of love -cum arranged marriage according to my horoscope sir,please let me know sir , having issues from both the parents side ..we are suffering a lot

    • #33580 Reply
      Astrologer Akash


      Currently you are running your Pisces which has absolutely no combinations for marriage.Your marriage will take place in your Aries chara dasha which will be running from 20/08/2018-18/06/2019 as it has very strong combinations for marriage.
      If you make Aries which will be the dasha sign at that time as the Lagna you see that the 5th lord Sun goes into the seventh house which indicates love marriage but Sun is debilitated which will show difficulties in getting married.

      1.Do Surya Namaskar every morning
      2.Respect your Father
      2.Chant Shukra beej mantra daily 108 times

      God Bless,
      Astrologer Akash.

    • #33611 Reply

      Tmr sir mentioned that my marriage will happen before January 31 2018..
      I need clarity sir about what type of marriage is predicted

    • #33613 Reply

      Read my article “Definitions in Astrology” on my blog

    • #38524 Reply
      komal tanwar

      komal tanwar
      2 September 1993
      birth place – kothputli (Rajasthan)
      what kind of marriage will I have??

    • #38530 Reply
      Astrologer Akash

      Komal please provide your time of birth.

    • #41827 Reply

      Hello navneet sir ji ,
      This is Payal,
      My dob :06-07-1992 ,
      Tob: 15:35
      Place :Delhi ,

      I’m in love with one guy ,
      Did I have the possibility of love -cum arranged marriage .. we are suffering alot from last 3-4 years

    • #50923 Reply

      Respected sir,
      I am varshny.
      My date of birth:1-11-1994.
      Birth time:12h:05m:40(sec)pm.
      Birth place: tenali(andhra pradesh)
      What kind of marriage is mine?
      Love/arranged/love cum arranged.

      I have completed my film
      Direction course in l.v prasad
      I want to join as an ass director
      When will be good time for me
      Please reply to this both the

    • #51033 Reply

      I can give you a complete scientific evaluation of your horoscope as described in my blog if you come through Paid services which will give you an idea about how successful your marriage and career life will be.

    • #70654 Reply
      Devyani Watane

      Respected sir,
      I am Devyani & i am in love with one guy.Did I have the possibility of love cum arranged marriage? We are suffering alot from 2 to 3 years.
      My date of birth is 14th april 1999
      My birth time is 10:40pm
      My birth place is Nashik,Maharashtra India.

    • #70790 Reply

      You are only 19 years old and it is too early to think about married life in modern times. Wait till 23 years and you will get married by then, need not be with your current lover.

    • #72314 Reply

      When will I get marry
      Will it love or arrange marriage

    • #72315 Reply

      DOB 25-08-1994 7:25am

      When will I get marry
      Will it love or arrange marriage?

    • #86423 Reply
      Princy Jain

      3:20 am
      Chitradurga, Karnataka
      Hi sir , good evening
      I wanted to know when will I get married ,
      One engagement has already broken ,
      Also sir will it be a love marriage or love cum arrange marriage ,

    • #86437 Reply

      Love comes after marriage. Love before marriage is nothing but infatuation. Though I cannot say when you will be married, you will be a parent by end 2021.

    • #87997 Reply

      21 june 1990
      11.55 pm at night
      Do i have love cum arrange marriage yog in my kundli

    • #88004 Reply

      Love starts only after marriage. All marriages are arranged ones, arranged by God. Love before marriage is only a sexual infatuation.

    • #108378 Reply
      Payel Bose Das

      Namaskar sir..
      Am very depressed now..
      Husband workless
      Little baby
      M also jobless!!

      My birth details given below..plz chk it out..when i get a govt job??
      11.05 am

      Plzz reply sir ..thank u.

    • #155117 Reply


      Given birth-details place Ascendent or Udaya Lagna in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi… caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis and a powerfully placed 7th lord Saturn/Shani-dev loosely conjunct Rahu in the 7th house.

      Lagna lord Moon/Chanda seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere, with very little support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a lonesome person, with few friends and limited social life. To make matters worse, he is placed close to Mrityu Bhaga (as per Saravali, Pataka Parijatam and Sarvartha Chintamani)… an indication o sensitive or weak mind, which often wanders or runs wild aimlessly. Incidentally, it also has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga. So, naturally you are prone to depression.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Rahu, who does not seem to be beneficially inclined. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra… who has been activated.

      As for your aspiration of getting into a Government job, please help me understand how you might be qualified and become eligible for one such, at your current age. As for Sun/Ravi being placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana, I’d like to draw your attention to him showing up in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Navamsa or D-9 and Dasamsa or D-10.

      For now (with the onset of Navaratri or Dasara and Durga Puja), it would perhaps make sense for you to consider seeking divine blessings from Goddess Durga. It would also make sense for you to consider strengthening your Moon/Chandra and hence mind, by way of practicing Yogasana, Meditation and Pranayama.

      Take care…

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