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    • #162913 Reply


      I’ve been taking the topic of marriage very easy, wondering when I meet the boy I like I will know. I have a vibrant, caring personality and talk very friendly. My parents too thought getting me married will be a piece of cake, as I’m an easy going person, easy to mold and always understanding.

      A few boys I met were very well educated and good natured, but somehow, quite dull and there was no spark in our conversations. Then came the charming boys, who looked good, put effort in themselves, but were absolute shitheads, one of them walking and talking with me, directly to the train station, to indirectly say he wasn’t interested.

      There were one or two nice guys, but I feel like there was no effort from their end- no texting, no calling. It was me initating conversation, talking for hours to engage them, proving how ambitious I am in my career for them. It was so exhausting to engage such people, it wasn’t working out.

      I’m so tired of being made to feel that there’s something wrong with me, if I’m unmarried. I know I deserve better, but am I wrong in ymapproach. Am I even destined to get married? Are my expectations a Bollywood, Disney nature, all fantasy? My parents are stressed and sick of searching on matrimony. I’m sick of looking and talking. I don’t want to go into dating apps as I want to respect my parents and marry within the community. Is something wrong with me? Am I picking flaws in every person I meet?

      I’m born on the 4th of April, 1996 at 8:32 am in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Will I marry? What kind of man will I marry? I don’t intend to give myself and my parents any more grief in this matter and am almost shamelessly willing to marry anybody that comes forth if it means ending this pain once and for all, even if it means living unfulfilled and unhappy for the rest of my life. I was very adamant that the boy should be of my liking and I should decide if I want to marry him or not, as in the past to make my parents happy I picked studying pharmacy, a degree that ill give wealth and stabitkity, made me the unahppiest person in the room, who’s grief I’m still carrying to this day and suffering the consequences of that decision

    • #162919 Reply

      Your chart has both a Sarpa dosha and Grahana dosha for both Sun and Moon. Till remedial measures are taken, marriage would be difficult. For Sarpa dosha, a Sarpa samskara puja is needed. Generally done at Kukke Subramanya temple in Karnataka. For Grahana doshas, shanti for Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are needed. This can be done locally.

      Chances for marriage exists during the last quarter of 2026.


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