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    • #120583 Reply

      My details: date of birth: 29/03/1994
      Place of birth: Hisar, Haryana
      Time of birth : 06:30 AM

      My partner’s details:
      Date of birth : 06/06/1994
      Place of birth: Delhi
      Time of birth: 02:05 PM

      Question: will we both get married?
      If yes, then when? And if no, then please tell me the problems and solutions if any?

      Thank you 🙏🏻

    • #120585 Reply

      You will have to check your transit horoscope in Sydney to evaluate your horoscope. Do come through Paid consultation if you wish to check it. Read my book on astrology as given in my Profile which you can get by clicking my photo.

    • #120586 Reply

      Can you please check if the match is possible or not?

    • #120587 Reply

      Are you both resident in India in which case the matching could be checked for compatibility? In case a resident is in a foreign country, the transit horoscope will have to be calculated based on the new place of residence failing which the compatibility report will not be reliable. In either case you will have to come through Paid consultation or you can contact some local astrologers. The matching of two horoscopes will take about 4 hours or more which cannot be done free of charge.

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