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    • #137182 Reply

      My birthday         1987 january 7

      Time                        5:40 pm

      Place                       Sri lanka ,  Chilaw

      When will I get married and how is my future



    • #137185 Reply


      Request you to kindly bear with me and feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking. Also, consider seeking as many alternate opinions as you like.

      In my humble opinion though, there seem to be limited Yogas for a happy and fulfilling marriage… as per my understanding of your birth-chart. If truly interested and desirous of marriage, it might not be a bad idea to consider offering special prayers (as per your religious faith) to seek divine grace and be open to an unconventional marriage – could be inter culture, faith/religion, language, region etc.

      Just so you are aware, your are in the midst of Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). He lords over the 2nd house of Family Expansion. Antara is that of 7th lord of Family ties/bonding and Spousal Relationship Jupiter/Guru-dev. So, the current time (for next one year) is as good a time as any. But then, Moon/Chandra is placed very close to deep Gandanta degrees. So, this Maha-Dasha will be a bit like test by fire. Incidentally, you’ll soon be starting Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. It will be a bit of a trying/testing time. The time does not look good for mother’s health and well-being either.

      Take care…

    • #137189 Reply

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Can I go abroad?</p>

    • #137209 Reply


      There might be some possibility for long-distance travel later next year.

      Take care…

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