Is my son at risk for autism?

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Buddy.
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    • #130770 Reply
      Kanu Malhotra

      My son is born 1 Sept 2021 12:54AM in Toronto.

      He does not talk and does not do a lot of actions to make us understand what he wants.Ge doesn’t point. I suspect autism from his behavior. Is there anything like that seen his chart? When will he start talking?

    • #130772 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In the horoscope of your child, we see that 2nd house lord Moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra of Mars and Moon is debilitated in the Navansha chart which is not good. Mars is in the 3rd house but combust as it is with 3rd lord Sun. Rahu mahadasha is going on, hence there will be delays in his speech. Mild Autism can also be there. Should do for medical help.

      Moon remedies should be done for his benefit.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #135338 Reply

      Pls sir , my son date of birth 12.12.2018   1.59 a.m

      Ccolombo .sri lanka. He is still speechless. Autisum behaiviors. Is it showing in his horoscope .pls

    • #135370 Reply

      Chances are there that he will improve his condition from mid 2024 onwards.

    • #135378 Reply

      Please double check and confirm the birth-details are accurate.

      in the interim (considering the details), please be informed that both Moon/Chandra and Udaya Lagna are placed in Mrigashira Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja. So, your son seems to have started his life in the very fag-end of Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha, who is a top class malefic for the birth-chart and a nasty Roga-Karaka.

      Luckily, Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is strongly placed in his Uccha-sthana or sign of exaltation in his Moola-Trikona in Kanya Rashi and Udaya Lagna is aspected by Jupiter/Guru, even though he is Vakra or Retrograde.

      Since March 2022, he has started Maha-Dasha of 2nd lord of Speech Moon/Chandra. Incidentally, Moon/Chandra is hosting Vakra or Retrograde Saturn/Shani-dev and Rahu in his Lunar Constellations of Shravana Nakshatra and Rohini Nakshtra, thereby activating two hardcore malefics placed in two dusthanas, indicating challenges and perhaps medical expenses. Incidentally, the 2nd house is aspected by both Vakra or Retrograde Saturn/Shani-dev and Ketu.

      So, for now there seems to be some indications of Speech issues and delay. Kindly let me/us know if medical advise/help has been sought and Speech Therapy has been initiated.

      Take care…

    • #135386 Reply


      Kindly bear with me typo/error in my previous post… below is what I intend to share:

      Since March 2022, he has started Maha-Dasha of Rahu posited in the Lunar Constellation of Rohini Nakshatra, rued by 2nd lord of Speech Moon/Chandra. Incidentally, Moon/Chandra is hosting Vakra or Retrograde Saturn/Shani-dev and Rahu in his Lunar Constellations of Shravana Nakshatra and Rohini Nakshtra, thereby activating two hardcore malefics placed in two dusthanas, indicating challenges and perhaps medical expenses. Incidentally, the 2nd house is aspected by both Vakra or Retrograde Saturn/Shani-dev and Ketu.

      And, Rahu Maha-Dasha usually last long… hopefully, you’ll observe incremental improvements. For instance, current Pratyantara of Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha until October 2023. In any case, it would help to seek expert medical help/guidance.

      Take care…

    • #140474 Reply
      Tina Namsinh



      my son is autistic will he be able to talk? He’s born in USA city fountain valley, CA at 6:11 pm

      • #142725 Reply


        Birth date is one of the critical inputs needed to cast a birth-chart. Unlike elevated souls, mere mortals like me will need this information.

        Take care…

    • #142679 Reply

      Hi, My daughter is born on 14.3.2019 at 3.15 pm Mumbai , she has difficulty communicating . Will she ever speak ?

      • #142726 Reply


        I’ve responded to your query in the other thread. So, I’ll assume you are seeking other/alternate opinions.

        Take care…

      • #142727 Reply


        I’ve responded to your query in the other thread. So, I’ll assume you are seeking other/alternate opinions.

        Take care…

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