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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
Tagged: Kundli Milan for Marriage, marriage match
Please tell me that the given details of boy and girl suits for marriage or not. And will they live happily after marriage? Also tell that are any of them manglik?
Boy :
Boy Name: Ashu
Birth Date: 30/9/1985
Birth Time:21:20:00
Birth Place: Jabalpur ,M P ,India
Girl Name: Seema
Birth Date: 21/8/1987
Birth Time:17:00:00
Birth Place: Pune, India
Looking at the Matching of your horoscopes.
The Ashtkoot Guna Milan is 22.5 out of 36. There is Nadi Dosha as both horoscopes have Adya Nadi. regarding Mangal dosha you are Manglik from Lagna as Mars is in the 4th house, and in the horoscope of the girl Mars is in the 8th house in Lagan. 8th house mangal dosha is string manglik however as Jupiter aspects Mars the mangal dosha gets cancelled.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna