Marriage time and Navamsha chart

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by TMR.
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    • #9389 Reply

      Hello Navneet SIr,

      Hope you are doing good.

      I had a question about marriage timing and impact of Navamsha in the married life. I am a Pisces ascendant and seventh house(virgo) lord is in 3rd house(tauras) at 26 degree with Rahu(11 degree). So are planets at >25 considered as ast avastha? is it correct? Also Venus, the marriage karaka is in 4th house Gemini in combust state with Sun.

      In my Navamsha chart Moon is is in lagna in Cancer(Own house). However, Saturn(lord of ) seventh house is in 8th house Aquarious. Mercury the seventh house lord in lagna chart is in second house of Leo with Jupiter in navamsha chart.

      My date of birth is:

      17 June,1984, Berhampur-Odisha. 23:50 hrs.

      I am not yet married. May you please put some light on my marriage and time of marriage.


    • #9398 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      I believe you know your Horoscope chart very well and that is good then people like me don’t have to do too much of explanation. 😉

      Listen First and Foremost GO and CHECK your BIRTH TIME.

      A difference of of 4 minutes changes your chart completely. From Pisces lagan you become Aquarius lagan.

      Did you check this before?????


      Navneet Khanna

    • #9404 Reply

      Thank you for being modest. I am no match for your expertise.

      Perhaps its the result of watching videos and reading articles to understand my horoscope.

      The birth timing was given by my Father. I guess its correct.

      Even if it is not, I am not sure how to get the correct time.

      Please suggest.


    • #9405 Reply

      I also checked the horoscope by increasing the time till 23:58 hrs. The horoscope remains the same. So I think the time is correct.


    • #9409 Reply

      Dear Khirod,

      Your horoscope is fairly good except for the 2nd and 9th house which are below the minimum pass mark for an average life. You will get married before March 2017 for certain if not earlier. Your marital life has a potency of 45.25% irrespective of 10 minutes variation in time of birth either way.

      Read my blog for more details of how to evaluate a horoscope.

    • #9415 Reply

      Thank You for the response.

      There is a delay in my marriage, but just wanted to understand the reason. Is it because of Mercury ( 7th lord) and vivah kadal Venus in combust state.


    • #9416 Reply

      For detailed evaluation of your horoscope you can come through Paid services and you will well understand the reasons for your delay in marriage and other details of your chart.

    • #9435 Reply

      Thanks Mr TMRJi,

      I am not sure if I will be going for the paid service at this point, but I shall come back if feel the need.


    • #9442 Reply

      Hello Navneet Sir,

      Need to understand. One of the astrologer suggested moonga to me, where as another said to wear pukhraj. As per my understanding, moonga is for Mars. As mars is in 8th house moonga is not good for me. It will increase the evil effects of mars in marak house. Pukraj, for jupiter is suitable as it is in kendra 10th house and is also lagna lord. Please confirm if I am correct.

      Also just wanted to know, what should I do to have my marriage early. Should I do remedies for mercury(7th lord) or for Venus the karak for marriage. I am really worried as my marriage is getting delayed. My 7th house lord is 26 degree brudha avastha. However, in my navamsha it is with Jupiter in Leo and Saturn 7 the lord in navamsha is in 8 the house Aquarius.

      As suggested by you earlier I checked my birth timings are correct.

      Please suggest.


    • #9444 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You stated that your time of birth is 23:50 , just deduct 4 minutes and your lagan chances to Aquarius and most importantly you are not mangalik. Which is a big consideration when you are thinking of getting married. With Pisces sign as Lagan your chart is very weak for marriage. Venus the karka is combust, strong mangal dosha, 7th lord with Rahu do not promise marital happiness. A 4 minutes difference in the time of birth can be there it is very normal and as you are born in the Cusp, it will make a lot of difference in your life. So the best would be to check the traits of Pisces and also of Aquarius and see which ones suits you the most. In terms of your life, your personality , your social circle, family etc. It may take some time but will certainly help you in the long run in taking the correct decisions in your life.

      Regarding the Stones well I disagree with wearing Red Corel as Mars in 8th house indicate accidents and surgery and we don’t need to strengthen that. Yellow Sapphire is the stone for Jupiter and Jupiter is the lagan lord if you take 23:50 at your time of birth. Wearing Yellow Sapphire would bring you benefits in any of the time you choose as with Aquarius lagan Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 11th house which is the Dhanbhav and house of gains respectively.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #9450 Reply

      Amazing inference Navneet Sir.

      Thanks for the enlightment. Now how do I determine which kundali is correct? Is it based on physical stature(short) or previous experience in life.

      Or one more thing is delayed marriage. Which of the kundali is more matching?

      Kindly show me some path where I can further research on myself.


    • #9476 Reply

      Hi Navneet Sir,

      Please suggest.


    • #9691 Reply

      Hello Navneet Sir,

      Please shed some light to identify the correct birth timings. How can it be corrected. Need to understand.

      Please help.


    • #9696 Reply

      BTR or Birth Time Rectification and is a long drawn out process. It is a trial and error method trying out various possible time details and check with the major past events in your life which is very tough. If the time and the major event times do match or/and if the characteristics of the horoscope matches with your self, one can presume the time of birth is very accurate.

      Needless to say BTR can only be done using consultations in person and it will be very expensive too.

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