Mercury/Budha rules the 9th (Bhagya-Shtana) & 12th (Vyaya or Losses) houses in your birth-chart. He is the Chara Atma-Karaka, has low Shadbala and is placed in the 5th house of Purva-Punya/Putra-Sthana in the Zodiac sign of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi. Maha-Dasha of Mercury/Budha in your birth-chart activates, his Rashi or sign depositor, Nakshatra depositor, planets/grahas conjunct and the houses he lords. It last for a period of 17 years and invariably will be a mix of some good/decent and not so good times, given the spread of Antaras of other planets/grahas, gochara or planetary transits etc.
Just so you are aware, there is a strong foot-print of Jupiter/Guru-dev in your birth-chart. So, his influence is undeniable… incidentally, he rules the 3rd and 6th houses in your birth-chart and is not really benefically inclined. Thereafter, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu, who is also conjunct Jupiter/Guru-dev in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana or house of Spousal Relationship. Both Saturn/Shani-dev and Mercury/Budha are posited in the Lunar Constellations ruled by Jupiter/Guru-dev… as are Udaya Lagna or Ascendent and Rahu.
On my part, I’m inclined to think there will be some money, medical expenses (there seems to have been some lingering health issues), possibility or chances of progeny (although small considering your age) etc.
Take care…