- This topic has 12 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by
GuestDob 26 sep 1991
Time 12:37 am
Place kollam kerala
Sir please advise how will be my moon dhasa starting next year as moon is placed in 11 th house
Will I get success
ModeratorYour Moon in your horoscope has only zero percentage strength which will not do you any good or bad in your horoscope. Please come through Paid consultation if you wish to have a detailed scientific evaluation.
Considering the birth-details shared, it looks like your Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha will start from early 2024 and will last for 10 years. Currently you are in the fag end of Venus/Shukra Antara in Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha.
Incidentally, Moon/Chandra lords the 2nd house of Family Expansion and Wealth accumulation. He is placed in the 11th house of Labha-Sthana. He is placed close to Gandanta Degress and seems to be adrift in the middle of no-where, indicating possibilities of wandering thoughts. Also, you seem to be a bit lonesome, with few friends and very little social life. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu… who seems to weld consideration influence over the unfolding of Karma in your birth-chart. On the sidelines, let me/us know if it is fair to consider you to be single/unmarried.
As for Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha itself, I’m inclined to think it will be a bit of a mixed bag… with some challenging times spread in-between. If unmarried, it should also create some opportunities on the financial front.
Take care…
GuestIt is very true that I have no social life and always lonely . But I am married . My sun dhasa has given me a very very tough and depressing time. Also no luck in finding a stable job since 2015 though I am attending a lot of interviews
Psir please analyze if I will finally be able to earn a stable income in my moon dhasa?
GuestHi buddy pls reply
I was consoling myself thinking that atleast my moon dhasa would aid me to live a happy life as moon is well placed in my chart
Doesnt the placement in 11th house yeild any good significance?
As called out previously, Moon/Chandra in your birth-chart is placed close to deep Gandanta degrees and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra. He seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere.
There is a strong foot-print and undeniable influence of Ketu, who seems to be putting up unwanted hurdles in your way. Given the situation, it would perhaps help if you were to consider offering special prayers to Vigna Vinayaka or Lord Ganesha and Goddess Maha Lakshmi, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong sankalpa.
Take care…
GuestReply for my post plz
For the records, current planetary transits are not favorable and you’ll be starting Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra, a couple of years from now… covering a bulk of your Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha.
Take care…
GuestThanku buddy.
Can u please tell if my horoscope has any good yogas
If it’s any consolation to you, you have a strong Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha, placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts and his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation… which incidentally happens to be his Moola-Trikona as well. He is creating a strong Bhadra Maha-Purusha Yoga. You also have multiple benefic planets in Upachaya houses, creating some Dhana/Wealth Yoga… but then, there seem to be hurdles and challenges along the way. So, please consider the remedy, as suggested previously…
On the sidelines, it looks like you are not really proactive and/or somebody who is a bit tentative, timid and shy away from taking initiatives. It would make sense for you to overcome such inhibitions (if any).
Take care…
Guest<p style=”text-align: left;”>It is very true that I hold behind from taking initiative and I’m an introvert by nature.</p>
My biggest issue is my domestic ambience including my parents.Ii have been told that my bhadra yoga had got cancelled since mercury is combust with sun. Can u please confirm if it is combust or not
Your Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is not really combust… Sun/Ravi is further away in your birth-chart. In fact, the two of them are creating Budha-Aditya Yoga. So, you would be intelligent/bright… but then, please be reminded Mars/Kuja is a top class malefic for your birth-chart and he is hoovering around in the 4th house as well.
That said, I would very much appreciate if you could kindly share your marriage date, purely for academic purpose.
Take care…
GuestI got married on June 21st 2015
Do u think I would be able to earn on my own as Jupiter my Lord of 10th is strong and conjoined with Venus in the 3rd house. Can u provide any insights into that combination