Nadi dosh in kundli milan

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    • #39087 Reply
      Ruchi Jain

      AActhusband dob is 27 March 1988..6.40 morning … Indore and mine Ruchi’s is 21 aug 1988 ….11.30 morning Indore…We matched 18 points..Sir my nakshatra is anuradha 3 and my husband nakshatra is pushya 1…Are we free of nadi dosh… Nadi dosh in kundli milan. plz tell…I would be very thankful to u

    • #39095 Reply


      scrutinizing the charts with given details of pushya star charan one with anuradha star charan 3.. nadi dosha gets cancelled.

      There is nadi dosha between pairs of anuradha and pushya . Only on deeper analysis at charan level.. there is no dosha – as anuradha charan 3 falls in Adi nadi where as pushyami charan one falls in different naaadi namely Madhya naadi.

      But for marriage based on vedic astrology guna of minimum 28 is needed for good compatibilty.


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