Need urgent prediction

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    • #126396 Reply
      Shivani Srivastava

      I am Shivani Srivastava, from New Delhi, India. I have two queries. I request the learned ones to look into my horoscope and guide with any remedy/remedies, if needed.

      1) Is there any threat from an enemy in my horoscope or is it my baseless fear? If this is not baseless, kindly provide me some remedy to get rid of the enemy who is troubling me for no reason for almost last 10 months.
      2) Is there any possibility for me to settle abroad in future? Is yes, then when it would be possible? How my life will be in a foreign land?

      My birth details are :-

      Date of Birth – 06 November, 1981
      Time of Birth – 07:20 am
      Place of Birth – Delhi,India
      Sex – Female

    • #126407 Reply

      Suggest you come through Paid consultation to have a full evaluation of your horoscope.

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