Problems due to purchased home

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    • #159593 Reply


      I bought a flat in june 2022 from a builder. At present I am staying in that house but still the building is not completed and not handover to me. This is causing me severe anxiety. I am not able to bear this anxiety. I am not able to eat nor sleep. this anxiety is killing me from inside. Please look into my chart and tell me when will I get my flat? When will my anxiety get reduced?

      my details-

      20-10-1995  13:24 pm vijayawada poorvaphalguni-1

      my mother is the co owner so giving her details as well

      22-10-1963 13:40 pm kakinada jyesta-4

      thank you for your time


    • #159597 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Madam Sujana

      Your builder might have made arrangements to handover the flat to you last week. You are running Moon dasa Saturn bhukti which causes delays. Moon Saturn combination in any manner gives you tensions, postponements until you get frustration. It will not be denied but delayed.

      So in this period which is up to 13-06-2026, you will get your flat handed over to you. In this sub period, either in Ketu antara (04-05-2025 to 07-06-2025) or Rahu antara (31-12-2025 to 28-03-2026) the flat will be yours. There are feeble chances in June 2025 to Dec 2025.

      If you are interested please listen Manyu Suktam regularly so that it may help you.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #159598 Reply

      thank you for your reply. will my anxiety subside in the near future or will it continue till the completion of the dasa?

    • #159600 Reply
      JVS Rao


      Moon Saturn period gives you tensions one or another, which is up to 13-06-2026. After that you don’t have tensions for that I advised you to listen Manyu Suktam which will help you.

      God Bless You

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

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