Property dispute

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    • #137090 Reply


      what should i do considering my planets about my home. As 1/3 is claimed by sister husband even if father allocated this verbally. Mother is supporting him.

      my birth was on 1st march 1972 at 13:12 in Pune. They are asking 1cr however my expenses on renovations and fathers hospitalisation, other family expenses 4 times more that… they are ignoring and threatening me about court

      my father passed away but he and mother verbally in front of mother and my wife, given house to me.

      all pleading is not making any result. Help me with youd views




    • #137106 Reply


      I have been repeatedly getting the following message…and nothing seems to show up.

      Error: duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that.

      Take care…

    • #137114 Reply


      I have previously shared by observation, understanding and assessment of your (as well as your wife’s) chart. Please check the following link:

      Property guidance required

      Just so you are aware, the shared birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi. You are currently running Maha-Dasha of 7th & 10th (two Kendra) lord Jupiter/Guru-dev. He is strongly placed in the 7th house (a Kendra house) of Spousal Relationship. Given that he owns two Kendra houses and is placed in one of them calls for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha.

      Further, Jupiter/Guru is posited in the Lunar Constelltaion of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu… he signifies Spousal Relationships and Work-place. So, there has  probably been some sense of detachment of worldly desires (incidentally Venus/Shukra is placed very close to deep Gandanta degrees), preference to be alone or by self, loss of job and perhaps some inclination towards dharmic activity or spirituality.

      Secondly, Sun/Ravi is placed in the 9th house of Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi, co-owned by Rahu. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… while Rahu is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, there is Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level. This calls for validation of Pitru Dosha or wrath of ancestors.

      Thirdly, Moon/Chandra (signifying Mother) is placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. This calls for validation of the concept called Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya. Moon/Chandra has very little support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a loner with few friends and limited social life.

      All said and done, I’m inclined to think your mother has more feelings/bonding with you – although he also has some feelings/bonding with your sister (so, she cannot or will not discount your sister completely). So, the key is not to tick/trigger her and precipitate matters. On the sidelines, considering suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies for the issues detailed above could bring some much needed relief from the situation.

      Take care…

    • #137107 Reply


      Making another attempt…Below is what I’ve been trying to post several times in the last few hours.

      I have previously shared by observation, understanding and assessment of your (as well as your wife’s) chart. Please check the following link:

      Just so you are aware, the shared birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi. You are currently running Maha-Dasha of 7th & 10th (two Kendra) lord Jupiter/Guru-dev. He is strongly placed in the 7th house (a Kendra house) of Spousal Relationship. Given that he owns two Kendra houses and is placed in one of them calls for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha.

      Further, Jupiter/Guru is posited in the Lunar Constelltaion of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu… he signifies Spousal Relationships and Work-place. So, there has  probably been some sense of detachment of worldly desires (incidentally Venus/Shukra is placed very close to deep Gandanta degrees), preference to be alone or by self, loss of job and perhaps some inclination towards dharmic activity or spirituality.

      Secondly, Sun/Ravi is placed in the 9th house of Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi, co-owned by Rahu. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… while Rahu is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, there is Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level. This calls for validation of Pitru Dosha or wrath of ancestors.

      Thirdly, Moon/Chandra (signifying Mother) is placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. This calls for validation of the concept called Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya. Moon/Chandra has very little support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a loner with few friends and limited social life.

      All said and done, I’m inclined to think your mother has more feelings/bonding with you – although he also has some feelings/bonding with your sister (so, she cannot or will not discount your sister completely). So, the key is not to tick/trigger her and precipitate matters. On the sidelines, considering suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies for the issues detailed above could bring some much needed relief from the situation.

      Take care…

    • #137096 Reply


      I have previously shared by observation, understanding and assessment of your (as well as your wife’s) chart. Please check the following link:

      Just so you are aware, the shared birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi. You are currently running Maha-Dasha of 7th & 10th (two Kendra) lord Jupiter/Guru-dev. He is strongly placed in the 7th house (a Kendra house) of Spousal Relationship. Given that he owns two Kendra houses and is placed in one of them calls for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha.

      Further, Jupiter/Guru is posited in the Lunar Constelltaion of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu… he signifies Spousal Relationships and Work-place. So, there has  probably been some sense of detachment of worldly desires (incidentally Venus/Shukra is placed very close to deep Gandanta degrees), preference to be alone or by self, loss of job and perhaps some inclination towards dharmic activity or spirituality.

      Secondly, Sun/Ravi is placed in the 9th house of Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi, co-owned by Rahu. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… while Rahu is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, there is Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level. This calls for validation of Pitru Dosha or wrath of ancestors.

      Thirdly, Moon/Chandra (signifying Mother) is placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. This calls for validation of the concept called Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya. Moon/Chandra has very little support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a loner with few friends and limited social life.

      All said and done, I’m inclined to think your mother has more feelings/bonding with you – although he also has some feelings/bonding with your sister (so, she cannot or will not discount your sister completely). So, the key is not to tick/trigger her and precipitate matters. On the sidelines, considering suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies for the issues detailed above could bring some much needed relief from the situation.

      Take care…

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