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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
Tagged: Brihaspati Mahadasha, Saturn Mahadasha
Respected Guru Ji,
My DOB is 24/10/1975,
time 20:20
place is Jhunjhunu,
I am going through Mahadasha of Brihaspati and this period has not been very good. I am not yet settled in my life. Will the coming Shani Mahadasha bring some good results for me?
Dear Raju,
Your Saturn MahaDasa will be weaker than your Jupiter Mahadasa. The problem with your horoscope is you have a not very strong 4th,9th and 10th houses(all having less than 40% strength) though your overall strength of the horoscope is 63.25%. The 4th house signifies mental happiness, 9th house your luck and the 10th house your career and associated job satisfaction. Your Sun is highly malefic and Saturn is weak and malefic which contributes to the above shortcomings in the horoscope.
Recite Navagrahastothram as many times as possible as a possible remedy to reinforce the strengths of planets.