Question regarding my life suffering and enlightenment

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    • #154374 Reply
      Vanga Abhiram Reddy

      I want to leave my college because I feel I don’t have any clarity and can’t think anything clearly.I feel absolutely hopeless and I want to go to forests in solitude and meditate.I feel I can’t contribute much to the people around me with my capabilities and I also don’t want to suffer my capabilities and pretend to be happy.I want to be completely free from everything as I feel I am not being myself when I stay here with people around me and I have to pretend to be happy I want to be completely free from attachment and get freedom from separation.Is this the best option?

    • #154375 Reply
      Vanga Abhiram Reddy

      I want to leave my college because I feel I don’t have any clarity and can’t think anything clearly.I feel absolutely hopeless and I want to go to forests in solitude and meditate.I feel I can’t contribute much to the people around me with my capabilities and I also don’t want to suffer my capabilities and pretend to be happy.I want to be completely free from everything as I feel I am not being myself when I stay here with people around me and I have to pretend to be happy I want to be completely free from attachment and get freedom from separation.Is this the best option?

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