Relationship issues

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    • #130828 Reply


      I’m female (21.05.1997 09:00), my boyfriend (02.05.1997 07:30) of three years is planning engagement and I don’t know whether I want to be in this relationship where I feel comfortable but there’s no excitement or just go with the flow. Also there is a male friend (16.08.1998 unknown time) of me to whom I have really strong sexual attraction, we have the best time together as friends. I don’t want to fuck up things for nothing and then regret, pls advice is it dark period for me or what?

    • #130831 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Please provide Birth details along with the place of birth for horoscope analysis.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #130833 Reply

        The place is Tbilisi for all three, +4 GMT

    • #130856 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Talking about the relationship between you and your boyfriend. This is a 5-9 relationship which means that this is good, but certainly not an excellent relationship. There will certainly be a good attraction between the two of you. Emotionally also there is some stability. In the long run if you put in the right efforts it can turn into a long-lasting and stable relationship. If you are not sure if you want to go with the

      Regarding the match between you and your male friend. There is no doubt that there will be a strong physical attraction as both have strong Venus energy, however, it is only physical and there is no mental, or emotional connect.


      Navneet Khanna

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