Searching life partner

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    • #138784 Reply

      Name Sonakshi( Female)

      DOB 27 Sept 1993

      TOB 10:08 am

      POB Agra, Uttar Pradesh

      In which direction I shall find my life partner?Where shall I search for him? How he would look like?



    • #138881 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your birth chart, you will see a lot of influence on the 5th house, which is the house of love and romance. From your birth chart, it is seen that you look for mental compatibility along with a physical relationship. Therefore, you should not enter any relationship in haste. You should give your relationship time to develop naturally for it to be strong and long-lasting. With Rahu recently moving into your 5th house, the chances of entering a long-term relationship are much stronger now than in the past year. Keep your eyes and heart open as soon you find a person entering your life.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

      • #138971 Reply

        Is it possible to predict the appearance of my future spouse? I am curious about his physical features (i.e., height, complexion, stature or facial features)
        What would be his characteristics?

    • #138915 Reply

      Is it possible to predict the appearance of my future spouse? I am curious about his physical features (i.e., height, complexion, stature or facial features).

    • #138916 Reply

      What would be his characteristics?

    • #139003 Reply

      Thank you for providing a platform to discuss the search for a life partner. Your forum offers valuable insights and support to those navigating the journey of finding love and companionship. Your guidance is appreciated!

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