Shaadi aur job kab milegi

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    • #160727 Reply

      Meri shaadi kab hogi aur job kab milegi 3


      5 july 1994 5:08 pm mumbai india

    • #160746 Reply


    • #160757 Reply

      Plz reply

    • #160761 Reply


    • #160763 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Akshay

      There are chances for marriage as well as job after 02-9-2025. In your chart Saturn is in 3rd house and is  signifying 12th house and 9th house through Rahu and 6th house through Moon. Saturn and Moon connection gives you delays and postponements. Whenever Saturn period runs you have to face the problems. 3rd, 9th and 12th houses are good for travel to abroad. There are feeble chances to go abroad, but you may travel to distant places. You may try for higher education.

      Regarding marriage : There are some indications for disturbances. You may miss one or two alliances. So you have to take care of proper compatibility of charts before marriage.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)



    • #160771 Reply

      Sir my saturn oeriod is not running u might have out wrong date plz check moon in 6th saturn in 3rd  in kp but dasha is not of saturn it is of rahu and venus antardasha of mercury

    • #160772 Reply

      So answer sir

    • #160773 Reply

      Sir meri shaadi kis bhukti ya dasha mai hogi ya transit

    • #160776 Reply

      Sir do reply

    • #160779 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Akshay

      Please read the above passage and understand what I have mentioned. Whenever means what? Does it mean current?. In the past or future when the Saturn period ran or run, you might have faced or may face the bad experiences. I have not mistaken that  your current period of Rahu. There are troubles in your marriage. So I advised you to be cautious. I have not mentioned the marriage probable date.

      Your chart has average strength.


    • #160784 Reply

      Sorry sir forgive my foolishness can u tell me when will i probably get married

    • #160786 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Akshay

      There are feeble chances in Rahu dasa Sun bhukti. Sun is in 7th house and signifying 12th house through Rahu and 7th house through his sub lord Mars. So there would be feeble chances in this bhukti which is from 2-9-2025 to 28-7-2025.

      Rahu dasa – Mars bhukti which is from 27-1-2028 to 13-2-2029, is capable of giving the marriage. Mars is signifying Sun in 7th house and his sub lord Ketu , even though it is in 6th house (detrimental to marriage) w is signifying 7th house.

      Rahu dasa – Mars bhukti – Rahu anatara is from 18-2-2028 to 16-4-2028, is capable of giving the marriage. Rahu is signifying Jupiter in 11th house (even though it is in the 12th house) and is signifying Mercury through his sub lord Venus. Mercury is in 7th house.

      So in this period there are bright chances for marriage.

      Married life would like cat and rat. You have to manage carefully.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #160789 Reply

      Thank you sir for this much detail

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