Sister's marriage prediction

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    • #76866 Reply

      When my sister will get married and how will be her married life, what could be characterstics of boy

      28 feb 1980, 7:41am, jaipur(rajasthan)


    • #76872 Reply

      Between sept 2019 and sept 2020. When jupiters enters 11th house of her kundali. Astrologically more suitable time when Jupiter will connect with moon. Occupying 5, 7th house of marriage .
      Currently as natal saturn aspects Jupiter there will be delays.
      But sooner Jupiter in current transit moves into mercury star too gives possibility of marriage from January 2019 as well for a period of 6 months. As mercury is 5th lord and aspecting 7th house as well as Jupiter.
      As planets in her chart are retrograde she is advised to take wise decisions in life and also not take decisions in haste due to mars retrograde influence.


      [email protected]

    • #76877 Reply

      Thanks Satish ji, but i request you to please check again as mercury is not 5th lord , its 7th lord and sitting in 12h. Its pisces ascendant chart

      5h lord is moon and in 5h itself. There might be some time or long latitude problem while preparing chart. Please check again. Thanks

      • #76878 Reply

        Sorry for typing mistake.
        Following changes can be seen.
        Sun and rahu both occupy house 6 but are related to marriage house star lord and sub lord.
        So when Jupiter aspects natal rahu there is possibility for marriage.
        Post sept 2019.
        Jupiter now in mercury star and mercury is also 7th lord for your I would extend the period further by first 4 months.of 2019.
        And connected with venus by aspect.
        Jupiter is connected with mercury and natal sun connects with mercury now.
        Jupiter and moon connection is also fine .now .
        12th house connections of mercury can give an overseas connection to spouse.
        Saturn retro is real trouble and its connecting with Guru now . so I will like to add futher above to my previous mail.
        She is in venus and guru period till nov 2019. Astrologically posibility exists during first part of 2019 provided your sister compromises on her expectations.

    • #76879 Reply

      Satish ji thanks for the dasha ptediction but still there might be some problem as you said “Sun and rahu both occupy house 6

      Sun mer ketu is in 12h, venus in 1h, moon 5h, rahu mars jup in 6h, saturn 7h.

      • #76882 Reply

        i have written based on star lords. sun is 12th house but when jupiter establihes connection with mercury- by transiting in mercury stars…. it atomatically gets connection with sun in house 12 . and with jupiter and rahu in house 6. and as sun aspects house 6 its gets signification of house 6 along with rahu and jupiter.

        in KP system we go by many others factors than in tradtitional system.

        please read by sentence “sun and rahu occupying house 6 as connections ”
        usally with planets in house 12 results are sometimes unexpected. and as mercury is also retrograde along with sun and ketu due to mercury presence sun gets signification of 7th and 6th houses.

        hope iam now clear .

    • #76918 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      I am taking Meena lagna(Pisces) ascendant.
      Sani is very bad planet for this lagna.
      Sani in seventh house serious dosha or negativity.
      Budha is seventh house owner.Budha’s placement
      in seventh house again corroborates the above
      evil nature of marriage affairs.
      She will face many problems before marriage,
      for fixing an alliance.
      She will face many problems after marriage.
      She has to do penance for one or two years
      to reduce dosha of horoscope.
      You type in google–kumrao99 penance method.
      You will get articles on how to do penance.
      [email protected]

    • #76921 Reply

      Thanks Satish ji and Rao ji

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