Speech delay in 2 year old

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    • #132470 Reply

      My son born on 7/10/2020 7:32 AM Abu Dhabi doesn’t speak yet . Please suggest reason and remedy

    • #132511 Reply


      The child is born in Moola/Mula Nakshatra, ruled by a strongly placed Ketu in the 2nd house of Speech. So, he is currently in the midst of Ketu Maha-Dasha (until September 2025, as per Vimsottari Dasha System).

      Given Ketu is placed in Vrischika Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Jyeshta Nakshatra, he has activated his depositor Mars/Kuja placed in the 6th house of Roga-Sthana and the 12th lord of Hospitalization/Expenses Mercury/Budha.

      I’m inclined to think the little one will get better with proper care (medical treatment and appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies) and change in Dasha.

      Take care…

      • #132516 Reply

        I think there is some mistake in evaluating. He is born under Rohini nakshatr third pad . And he is going under moon dasha . Pls chk the birth palace is Abu Dhabi (UAE) and time 7:32 AM on 7/10/2020

    • #132596 Reply


      I seem to have goofed up in keying in the correct birth-date – please accept my sincere apologies. Using 7th October 2020 as the date places Udaya Lagna in Tula Rashi and Moon/Chandra in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana in Vrischika Rashi, where he is neither happy nor comfortable and detrimental to related significances. He is loosely conjunct Rahu. Incidentally, he is the current Maha-Dasha lord as per Vimsottari Dasha System, ruling Rohini Nakshatra.

      Incidentally, Sun/Ravi the natural or Naisargika Aarogya Karaka is placed in the 12th house, where is is neither happy nor comfortable… as is Jupiter/Guru placed in the 3rd house of Courage/Initiatives etc. Further, Ketu placed in the 2nd house of speech, along with low-profile miscreants Maandi and Gulika or Jupiter/Guru and the 3rd house are caught between Ketu/Maandi/Gulika and Saturn/Shani-dev. Thankfully, Saturn/Shani-dev is a Yogakaraka.

      Take care…

    • #143113 Reply


      My son ayush jaiswal is 2.4 years old but has not talk yet. His date of is 22 nov 2021 and time is 09:45 pm. Birth place is Delhi. Plese guide me what to do? Please tell remedies.

    • #143175 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi and Lagna Lord Moon/Chandra is placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses/Hospital or Medical expenses. To make matters worse, low-profile miscreants Maandi & Gulika are hoovering around Moon/Chandra, who does not have any support on either side of the flanks (making the developing brain to wander aimlessly. This could also contribute to limited ability to focus) and more importantly he is placed close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees (as per Phala Deepika and Brihat Prajapatyam). Further, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. So, the little one started his life in the midst of a Rampaging or difficult Rahu Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system), lasting until second half of 2032.

      Just so you are aware, your son was born in the midst of CoVID-19 pandemic and from an Astrological perspective I’ve shared my understanding of how the planets aligned to precipitate matters after the fateful eclipse and how Rahu went on a rampage. So, I’d suggest that you not panic and be very calm/patient, while monitoring the child’s physiological development and well being. If need be, please consider getting a physiological/psychiatric evaluation done.

      Secondly, the child was born in the immediate aftermath of a partial Lunar eclipse (18th-19th November) and before a total Solar eclipse (4th December). So, Sun/Ravi the second lord of Speech and natural or Naisargika Aarogya Karaka was also caught in the Rahu-Ketu axis, rendering him weak. He has the least Shadbala. Mercury/Budha seems to be too close to Sun/Ravi for comfort…. and seems to have been torched. He being placed in the midst of all Krura Graha or Malefic planets is not a good sign… and perhaps a sign of delayed/diminished communication skills.

      In summary, I’m inclined to think the problem is much more than delayed speech… for instance, I’m inclined to think the child’s parents are not experiencing the best of times either.

      Take care…

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