Speech delay in child

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    • #134388 Reply


      My son is having speech delay. He speaks single words but only on his willingness. I am concerned when he will communicate his needs with speech / talk to family. Right now he mostly uses gestures.

      Name. Hriday

      Birthdate 12-01-2020

      Time& place. 15.40 – Ahmedabad Gujarat

      PThank you


    • #134391 Reply

      The child was born a few days after the horrible eclipse that I consider triggered the Global CoVID-19 pandemic, with a conglomeration of planets in Dhanur Rashi, caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis.
      Udaya Lagna in the child’s birth-chart is placed in Vrishaba Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mrigashira Nakshatra. Although Moon/Chandra is placed in his Swasthana in Karkataka Rashi, he does not seem to have much support on either side of the flanks and is posited in the Lunar constellation of Ashlesha Nakshtra, ruled by current Maha-Dasha lord Mercury/Budha. Incidentally, Mercury/Budha is the 2nd lord of Speech. He Atmakaraka for the birth-chart and precariously placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana. He seems to be both torched for being in very close proximity to Sun/Ravi and engages in a Graha Yudha or Planetary War with Saturn/Shani-dev.

      To add on, the time and restrictions during CoVID-19 pandemic limited folk… more so with infants to indulge in social interactions and/or enhance in their communication skills. Anyways, in this particular case, it would perhaps make sense to consider seeking help/guidance from qualified medial professionals/Speech therapists.

      On the sidelines, please consider seeking help/guidance from knowledgeable and experienced folk for appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies. In the interim, kindly consider reading/reciting/chanting Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama at least a couple of times daily (morning and evening).

      Chanting following Saraswati Mantra (Dasakshari)
      Om Vada Vada Vagvadini Swaha
      Om Vagvadinyai Namah (from Lalitasahasranamavali)

      108 times daily is supposed to help.

      Take care….

    • #134392 Reply

      Thank you for your inputs.

      We have consulted doctors and started with speech therapy. Recently, also conducted ashlesha amd pitrudosh puja. Have been reciting saraswati mantra for him since some time. He also drinks goat milk.

      Will definetely start vishnu sahasranama.

      Still as parents, we are anxious to know by when the planetory positions will be favourable and he will start talking. It isnt like e he cant/doesnt speak at all. He speaks when he wants to. Hence more curiosity from our end.

      Thanks in advance.

      • #134393 Reply


        I can understand and relate to a parent’s perspective…along with any associated bias. To me, your statement “It isnt like e he cant/doesnt speak at all. He speaks when he wants to.”, seems to be a bit contradictory. Please clarify and kindly share details of diagnosis by medical professionals. I hope the child’s throat and other parts related to speech have been thoroughly investigated. If yes and in case there is no problem, then there is no need for speech therapy. Isn’t it?

        If your understanding is right, then you’d have to investigate the child’s mind/mood etc.

        Take care…

    • #134394 Reply

      Thank you Sir,

      He is being diagnosed by neuro pediatrics as well. All leading to same analysis of simple speech delay and nothing else. His throat and tongue are ok as well.

      Let me explain my previous statement by eg. If he sees cow/pigeon/icecream shop etc he will instantly say those words and many other words like that. But if he wants water he wont say “paani do” instead will point out and use gestures.

      Speech therapy was suggested to enforce use of words instead of gestures.

      Its just our curiosity on when will stars amd planets be favourable for him.

      Thank you once again.


      • #134398 Reply


        As stated previously, there are clear afflictions to the 2nd house and 2nd lord of speech issues, more so since current Maha-Dasha is that of afflicted Mercury/Budha. The period itself lasts  until 2034. Incidentally, the child just concluded Antara of Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra (who also happens to be a Roga-Karaka). Current Antara is that of Sun/Ravi, who is in the thick of things. So, I’m inclined to think it might take longer, if you are going to wait for good times. Hence, the suggestion to consider medical/Vedic/Dharmic remedies.

        On the sidelines, I’ll be more than glad to review how Karma of parents might be affecting the child, if relevant details are provided. As called out to another querist, children live and experience the fruits of their parents’ Karma during their early childhood.

        PS: I’m hoping there may not be much to worry from a neurological, mind, mood side.

        Take care…

    • #134399 Reply


      I hope its 2024 and not 2034 and he communicates well by then.

      Birth details of parent

      Father. Priyank

      Dob. 18/Apr/1989 7:20pm Ahmedabad

      Mother. Krupa

      Dob. 05/Mar/1990 9:20 am Jamnagar

      Pls suggest if any remedies for the same.


      • #134403 Reply


        Please let me know how is your relationship and how is the environment at home / around the child.  For the records, the child is in the midst of Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across the 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra.

    • #134406 Reply


      We have a very healthy and loving relationship. And Hriday being our only child has got all the love, attention and care.

      We stay in nuclear setup, so he is more attached to both of us.

      Ps. When will ashtami-shani complete?

      Thank you.

      • #134407 Reply


        Satun/Shani-dev entered Kumbha Rashi in January 2023 and will there until March 2025.

        Take care…

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