stay or leave this marriage

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    • #131243 Reply

      We got married and having a son throughout of 5 years of marriage. Yet, there is no compatibility between us. Is it ok to stay or leave this marriage?

      Husband: 25th May 1986, 7pm, Kuala Lumpur
      Wife: 5th June 1988, 9.23 am, Kuala Lumpur.

    • #131246 Reply

      Hello Nikila,

      Better you come through PAID consultation. Thorough analysis is needed and it is time consuming.

      For PAID consultation, email to
      Thank and Regards,

    • #131267 Reply

      Hi sir,

      I cant afford for paid consultation. Could you please advise if it ok to stay or leave the marriage life.

      Everyday, there is must have argument. No peace at home. Even there is plenty of thought to end my life. But i need to be there for my son.

    • #131287 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In your horoscope matching there is 2-12 Bhakoot dosha which is never considered good. The overall Gunamilan score is 15 out of 36, which is less than 18 that is required for marriage. The grhamaitri score is also weak.

      You should do the below remedies.

      1. Both should Keep fast on Mondays for seeing improvement in married life.

      2. Abstain from Alcohol on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #132758 Reply
      Sandeep Bansal


      I had a look at your husband’s and your horoscope. This is my analysis

      1. Mam, query asked by you regarding staying or leaving in marriage cannot be answered by any Indina astrologer. Because we dont encourage break of marriage or divorce. Nothing can be better than if a marriage survives wherein both husband and wife understand, adjust and learn to live together.

      2. Break in marriage is very bad for child.

      3. Your horoscope shows combination of Mars and Rahu in 9th bhava -> combination of Mars and rahu means you have lot of energy. This too much of energy can come out as aggression and person sometimes without realising is putting too much of pressure on spouse.
      Your 7th house of marriage has Vakri Shani -> this is not good as it brings pain, sorrow and dryness in marriage.

      4. Your husbands chart shows Sun in enemy sign in 7th house -> not good for marriage.
      7th lord Venus in 8th house of chronic problems -> not good for marriage.

      5. Remedies:
      If you want this marriage to work, kindly do these remedies with genuine spirit.
      a. Pray to Bhagwan Shiva and Maa Parvati.
      Every Monday both you and your husband should go to Shiva temple and together
      offer water to Shivalinga
      b. Pray to Goddess Parvati and Lord SHiva to bless you both and your married life.

      c. Take help of a marriage councillor.

      Hope this helps

      Om Namah Shivaya

      Dr Sandeep Bansal

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