Staying with Husband and Baby

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    • #148921 Reply

      Hi, my name is Shalini.

      DOB: 16 th September, 1988, FEMALE
      Time: 11:50 AM
      Place: Kolkata, West Bengal, India

      Marriage Date- 13TH DECEMBER,2013

      Husband’s DOB- 31st July 1982, MALE
      Time: 21:12 (9:12 pm)
      Place: Kolkata, West Bengal, India

      We live in the USA. We both have done PhD in the USA. But since we are in different universities, we lived together for only one and a half years together. We lived in different cities and visited/met each other every weekend. Now we both are looking for a job and plan to live in the same city together. Also, we have a plan to have a baby after we start staying together.

      My question is:

      1. When can we start staying together?

      2. When can we have a baby?

      3. lastly, when my husband can find a job. He has been looking for a scientist position in the USA for the last couple of months, but no luck yet.

    • #148958 Reply

      Buddy, can you help, please?

    • #149005 Reply


      To me, it looks like you’ve been generally happy and satisfied with how things have panned out. Quite frankly, I’m surprised why you guys have not acted and tried (I’m sure you would have… but was it good enough is what I’m left wondering about) to bring out a change in your situation. I’m also wondering about any help/guidance/suggestions/push from parents/families on either side. Obviously, there could be many good and/or compelling reasons… but nothing justifies (although Astrologically there are some hints that need to be double-check – something that can be done interactively with both of you) what you’ve shared (and my understanding of the situation) thus far.

      Anyways, I’d suggest that you guys seek professional help in terms of counselling. Alternately, we can go back and forth in an open/public forum or we can exchange private messages – either of which, you’ll agree will take time and will have limited efficiency.

      Take care…

    • #149020 Reply

      Thanks a lot buddy. Yes I get your point and will do the needful as you have suggested. Really appreciate your kindness.

      Could you please comment on the last query- when will my husband get a job, since he is looking for it last couple of months but no luck yet.


      Buddy please comment on this.

    • #149023 Reply


      I’m glad you understand what I’m suggesting. I would actually suggest that you guys stop thinking/worrying about that (your husband’s job change) and focus on other priority/important things.

      Take care…

    • #149037 Reply

      I see what you are saying. I completely get that point – which is for sure number one priority for us. Your guidance truly helpful to clear our mind.

      But for time being, I hope he finds a job asap, so that we can plan on those important things accordingly.

      That’s why requested you if you can make any comments on his job finding.

      Buddy, you are such a good kind hearted person who provides advise with practicality of life. Thanks for that. Hope you understands my point. Regards, Shalini



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