Successful Marriage

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    • #137042 Reply

      I want to know what are the chances of my marriage being successful

      My details

      DOB- 4th March 1989

      time- 11:30 PM

      place – Kalyan, Mumbai

    • #137052 Reply


      It would help if you were to elaborate/define your expectations from marriage, as also your understanding of what would make it successful.

      Take care…

    • #137098 Reply

      I am having issues in married life rigth now, going through separation. I want to know we will be reunited or not

    • #137104 Reply


      Udaya Lagna seems to be placed in Tula/Libra Rashi. Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra is placed in the 5th house in Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shatabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… who incidentally is placed alongside, along with Badha-Karaka Sun/Ravi who is slightly away.

      Just so you are aware, you are in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. On the sidelines, you are also inching toward finishing your Rahu Maha-Dasha – which I believe should have been pretty decent for you. Antara of Mars/Kuja the (2nd &) 7th lord of Spousal Relationship which started recently and will last for another year could be a bit challenging… for he is placed in the 8th house and aspecting the 2nd house.

      Please share details of your husband to check/validate combined Karma.

      Take care…

    • #137105 Reply


      By the way, was there something unconventional about the marriage/relationship – perhaps inter-caste, inter-religion, different language/region/culture etc.??? The close conjunction of Rahu and Venus/Shukra seems to indicate something along those lines or your fascination for such.

      Take care…

    • #137123 Reply

      yes, we have an intercaste marriage but love cum arranged. From my chart can you tell about my married life ? Along the line do you see it getting better. I dont have my partner’s exact details as we never checked kundali at that time.

      Thanks a lot for responding

      • #137131 Reply


        In my humble opinion (from an Astrological perspective at least), it was not really love… more of fascination and infatuation at that time, is how I would like to classify your marriage. And, in my belief true love probably does not wane away.

        Anyways, you’ve not shared your husband’s birth-details and not provided any background or underlying cause or clarity of the problem statement. The current situation is not very clear – at least not to me. Ideally one needs to validate and factor in the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra, while giving suggestion. In this situation, I think it would help for both of you to consider seeking help and guidance from well-wishing/meaning marriage counsellors.

        On the sidelines, my attention is drawn to your profile picture. If I were to play the role of a well-wishing counsellor, I’d want you to share your perspective of it.

        Take care…

    • #137132 Reply


      For the records, Moon/Chandra is loosely conjunct Mercury/Budha and are caught between Rahu on the one side and Saturn/Shani-dev on the other. So, it is but natural that you might be feeling a little constrained/restrained or chained/tied-up.

      Take care…

    • #137134 Reply

      Honestly I am not sure about my partner’s birth details, date is 28th November, but I have confusion with year, it can be 1988 or 1991, also time is not confirmed. Place is near Kolhapur. Love from my side is not vanishing, I waited for him for 5 year and he is still my whole life but having differences is painful.

      We have cultural differences and unnecessary involvement by inlaws, also during and after the period of marriage which is 11th June 2023, I was mentally too much disturbed not sure why, actually past one year I was mentally more disturbed. Also I had miscarriage in end of July. I wanted our life to be free and joyful after marriage because my life was restricted before but he didnt wanted the same (even though we talked about it before) and it caused clashes.

      About feeling chained up, yes for all my life I felt that way, tried to feel free and joyful but never could. My profile picture is old, somehow it got associated with the email. Also I feel I can not share my feelings in healthy way with others, my husband also complains the same always.

    • #137135 Reply

      Also someone adviced me to do Rahu Puja in mandir and other person adviced me to visit Srikalhasti and do Rahu Puje, what do you advice ?

    • #137161 Reply


      As called out earlier, you are in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra in your birth-chart. You are also also inching toward finishing your Rahu Maha-Dasha… literally in the last year and in the Antara of 7th lord Mars/Kuja, who is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana.

      I can understand the past year or Antara of Moon/Chandra (more so in the midst of Sade-Sathi) has been stressful/distrubing etc. On the sidelines, Rahu is quite powerfully placed in Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi (which he is supposed to co-lord with Saturn/Shani-dev) and posited in his own Lunar Constellation of Shatabisha Nakshatra. He should be quite happy and comfortable being placed there… but seems to have been a bit mischievous. He might have gotten you indulged in certain things you might not be proud of… perhaps feel a little ashamed.

      All said and done, I think it would be helpful for both of you to consider seeking help and guidance from well-wishing/meaning marriage counsellors… specially since you don’t seem to be comfortable sharing details of the problem and/or it’s background. From an Astrological perspective, the situation seems to be delicately placed on the fence and things could fall either way. If both of you are inclined to save your relationship you still have the chance to salvage the situation… hence my suggestion.

      Take care…

    • #137162 Reply

      Thank a lot for guidance, everything you said is perfect, but only thing not applying is our love is not real and other is that I must have done someting to be ashamed of, honestly I never do anything that I need to be ashamed of and I never regret anything I do, for my whole life I am quite straightforward. Actually problems in our marriage are not big real problems, it is just my aggressive, questioning, straightforward nature and his short tempered nature. May be you are right, we need counselling but I dont think he will agree on it, we are not in any contact. Anyway we can not control somethings in our life.

      Again thanks a lot.

      • #137164 Reply


        From an Astrological point of view, there seems to be limited connection or association between the 5th and 7th houses or their lords… let alone other requisite connections. And, many a times folk get confused with infatuation or mere fascination and consider them to be love. In other cases, people wear masks for selfish/greedy reasons and act as though they are love… the reality might be different. In any case, these aspects need to be validated in both birth-charts… more so, when Rahu is involved. Hence, the suggestion earlier.

        And, there are strong possibilities of folk thinking, talking and acting in (crazy) ways during Rahu periods that they normally or naturally would not do. They would invariably realize later and regret (or not be proud of) the same with the onset of subsequent Jupiter/Guru-dev’s periods.

        Lastly, the combination of Jupiter/Guru-dev and Mars/Kuja being placed in the 8th house and aspecting the 2nd house of Family Expansion could have some affect… but these things need to be assessed with the other birth-chart as well.

        Take care…

        • #137165 Reply

          It can be possible that I am not aware of it. Yes Rahu made me behave crazy, angry, paranoid, overreacting. Right now I am doing fasting and other remedies to strengthen Guru, hope it will be helpful for good future.

          Thanks a lot

    • #137166 Reply


      For the next few month/year, it would probably help if you were to appease Rahu by offering special prayers to Goddess Durga/Maha Kali/Chamundeshwari etc. Visiting Srikalhasti and offering special prayers would not be a bad idea either.

      Take care…

    • #137167 Reply

      Thanks for the advice, I am sorry if I am taking too much of your time but I had interest in astrology in logical way 5-6 years before and I studied but had to leave later on for other priorities. But in recent events I again came back to astrology. I am going through different soures on internet and somewhere I found out that Rahu shanti is good but it can also affect in bad way too. Like if Rahu is having good effect in any other areas of life it can hamper the good effects so we need to weight down all the effects and then take actions. So far what I have been told that Rahu is bad for having children in my kundali. So I started thinking that I will adopt a child if my marriage goes wrong way.

      So I need to understand that, is Rahu the one causing issues to my marriage or any other planet is primarily responsible for it ?

      Yes I have started chanting Durga stotra and  praying Lord Shiva as well every morning but have not done anything direclty for Rahu as I am not sure how it will affect my life.

      Thanks for all the great advice

      • #137169 Reply


        As called out earlier, Rahu is well placed in Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi (which co-lords with Saturn/Shani-dev) and more importantly he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shatabisha Nakshatra. So, he is not really malefic for you… but then, might indulge in some mischief. But then, I don’t think he is the sole reason for your marriage problems… although I’ve asked for details (which have not come through clearly) to validate my understanding.

        That said, he has also activated Venus/Shukra who is also posited in the same Lunar Constellation of Shatabisha Nakshatra and Sun/Ravi – a Badhakaraka, at a high level. On the sidelines, the transits have not been beneficial for you.

        One of the other things I’ve hesitated to highlight (although called out in a subtle way) is your vulnerability or susceptibility for  Evil Eye and other such ways.

        On my part, I don’t think appeasing any Planet/Graha would have any adverse impact…it is what/how you do and/or ask of them (Sankalpa) that matters. If a Planet/Graha is well inclined, it will do better. If not, the effects should reduce.

        Take care…

        • #137170 Reply

          Thanks a ton.

          Tansits are not favourable right now so I guess best way is to be patient and do prayers. Evil eye is something like ‘Nazar’ I suppose and I agree that mostly people even closed ones (apart from parents) are never much happy with my happiness, same my spouse also have experienced, he gets affected by Nazar often but he never believe in such remedies. I need to find ways to tackle the bad effect from Evil Eye atleast from my side.

          If Rahu is in favourable condition then doing Puja can be beneficial too I suppose, will definitely do that with positive thoughts in mind. Meanwhile I will try to get my Husband’s birth details and if I get I will share for more thoughts and understanding.

        • #137187 Reply

          Never mind my Husband’s details, my marriage is broken, he chose someone else.

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