Vedic chart

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    • #162950 Reply

      My chart

      Hello. This is my d1 natal chart. How likely is it
      That I will have children and how man

    • #162963 Reply

      Excuse me. And how many ?

    • #162967 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Ali

      It is understood you have born in last week of November 2002 (approximately) in the morning. It is incomplete data. Please provide your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth so that the correct chart is cast and evaluated to clarify your doubts.

    • #162970 Reply

      Hello. Thanku. DOB is 28 November 2002

      10:20 am in Daran Isfahan province , Iran

    • #162976 Reply
      JVS Rao

      You might have married between 2020-22 especially in 2021. Your 5th cusp (children) sub lord is Jupiter in a watery sign (Cancer) and 7th house (2nd child). Jupiter is signifying Mercury in 11th house and Rahu in 5th house. So you will have children. It is assured.

      5th house is occupied by Rahu and Saturn. Saturn is a planet of limitation, so there would not be more children. As Rahu is a planet of abortive nature, there would be problem to child birth. In Saturn bhukti in 2022-24 you might have a female child under utmost medical care.

      Mercury is conjoined with Ketu in 11th house (fulfilment of desire) Mercury is not useful for child birth. Ketu is in a watery sign (Scorpio) in the star of Saturn in 5th house (2nd lord – addition to family) and in the sub of Jupiter (Karaka for children), who signifies Mercury (11th house lord). So there would be child birth of a female in the Ketu bhukti which is from 2025-2026. Other bhuktis are not co-operative for child birth i.e upto 2028 there won’t be child birth. In Mars dasa there may be chances.

      I assume that there would be maximum 3 children to you. This is as per Krishnamurthi Paddhati.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

      • #162977 Reply

        Thanku. I am not married yet and I dont

        Know really when I will marry. Could you please

        Give me prediction for wole of my life span.

        Actually I dont mean transits I mean number

        Of children as a characteristic in my life.

        Also I wonder if you could predict how will

        my spouses appearance and when I will marry

        with her.

    • #162979 Reply
      JVS Rao


      Thank you for your prompt reply. I am sure in my predictions, even though it might not happened. If in one issue failed other things will not come correct.

      God bless you


    • #162981 Reply

      why did you predict he married in 2020 when he was just 18 years old?

    • #162985 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Studentstudier

      Thank you for asking me a question. I had my own logic. Can you tell me what do you follow? Is it Vedic or KP system. If you follow KP method I can explain my logic. So first of all introduce yourself.

      One thing I can explain that Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the significators for marriage. If the marriage had not taken place in the earlier period, Moon-Ketu which starts from 28-11-2025 to 29-6-2026.



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