What will my Jupiter Mahadasha period be like when it starts? Will it be benefic

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    • #138052 Reply

      Hello, I want to know if my Jupiter Mahadasha period that starts in December 2024 will be beneficial for me? What will this period bring to my life? in the following topics?:

      How will my love life go? Will I make new friends? Will I get a good job? Will I socialize a lot during this period? Will I earn a lot of money? Will I travel a lot? Will I have a lot of fun during this period? Will there be many changes in my life? I am virgo ascendant

      My data:

      May 5, 2001

      Time: 16:32 a.m.

      City and country of birth: Tarragona (SPAIN, CATALONIA)



    • #138127 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Hey first of all you asked so many questions, will try to answer some. Yes, you are Virgo rising as per Vedic chart. Your Rashi or Moon sign is also Virgo. Presently you are in the main period or Mahadasha of Rahu and sub period or antardasha of Mars till December 2024. Thereafter you will enter the mahadasha of Jupiter till 2040. Jupiter rules the 4th and the 7th house of your horoscope and Jupiter is posited in the 9th house or the bhagystan or I can say the house of luck and destiny. 4th house is for family, 7th house of relationship, marriage and 9th house for travel, spiritual journey. Venus is exalted in the 7th house which should give you relationship. Mars and Ketu in the 4th house ask you to be careful on the love and relationship front.

      As I can see the Jupiter mahadasha will be a good period for you.  It will help you build good relationships and contacts. The possibility of a love relationship also is in the period ahead. You will get to travel and also follow more of the spiritual path which will help you know yourself and your life purpose even better.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

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