When my son will speak

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    • #148727 Reply

      Hi All,

      I would like to enquire on my son who is 5 years old. He is having development delay and slow learner? When he will be talking in clarify? Whatever he does in regardless of anything, there is no focus and always playful.


      12.35 pm, GMT +8

      Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

    • #148734 Reply


      Given birth-date seems to be the fateful day, when the annular Solar eclipse occurred (which some of us believe precipitated the dreaded Global CoVID-19 Pandemic) at the Moon’s descending node of orbit on Thursday, December 26, 2019, with a significantly strong magnitude. Moon/Chandra passed between Mother-Earth and the Sun/Ravi, thereby totally obscuring Sun/Ravi.

      On the said day, there was Karmic conglomeration of Sun/Ravi, Moon/Chandra, Ketu, Saturn/Shani-dev, Jupiter/Guru-dev and Mercury/Budha in the Cosmic War-Zone of Sagittarius/Dhanur Rashi. Incidentally, Sun/Ravi, Moon/Chandra, Mercury/Budha and Jupiter/Guru-dev were placed Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu… who himself was making a strong transit there, not to mention the strong aspect of Rahu.

      In summary, it was not the best of times…for an infant to start his/her life. Given the inherent afflictions, it would perhaps make more sense for you to consider seeking a detailed/through Physiological/Psychiatric evaluation done from qualified medical professional – if not already done.

      It would also help if you could kindly share details of our observations of the child’s outlook, nature, behavior etc., for further analysis.

      Take care…

    • #148735 Reply


      In the interim (in case you are a Hindu), it would make sense for you to consider offering special prayers on a regular basis to Lord Ganesha and Shriman Laxmi Narayana Swamy, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion an a strong Sankalpa.

      Further, it would not hurt for you to read/chant and make him hear Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama, at least twice everyday or as many times as possible.

      In case, you are not a Hindu… please seek divine grace, as per your religious faith.

      Take care…

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