When will I get a job

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    • #39613 Reply

      Hi , my dob is 5th June 1981, time of birth 5.10 am, place of birth is kolkata . I lost my job in aug end 2017 and simultaneously met with an accident in aug end 2017 because of which I was bedridden for almost 2 months . Me and my husband moved from Bangalore to Mumbai as my husband got a job here . I am searching for a job since nov 2017 but have been unable to find one . I would like to know if I shall get a job and when will that be . I am very worried because of that . I am in the field of media and advertising .

    • #39616 Reply

      Your present Dasha is Mercury who is the 2nd house standing Rahu star and Moon Andardasha who is also in the second house standing in Jupiter star hence you lost the job and met with an accident. Your Mars Andardasha will start from Aug 2018 who is in Lagna lord of 7th and 12th house standing in the star of Sun. You may get a job after Aug 2019 during the Rahu Andardasha


    • #39625 Reply

      Hi ,
      But different astrologers have told me different things . 2 of them have said between feb 2018 to April 2018 . What remedy can I go got to get a job soon

    • #39650 Reply

      Consult another astrologer after April 2018.

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