When will I get married? Is it to my current partner

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    • #162450 Reply
      Dr Karman





      When will I get married? Is it to my current partner? Or anybody new ?

    • #162456 Reply
      Aditya Singh

      Hi, Second half of 2026 there are good chances.

      Also, were you also close to marriage between mid last year to now and somehow did not get married?

    • #162475 Reply
      Dr Karman

      No marriage talks at all  , still unmarried , is it possible to get married this year end or 2026 beginning??? Also, do my charts say love marriage or arrange marriage ? How will my husband be ? I m an MD doctor.

    • #162518 Reply
      Dr Karman

      Kindly provide clarity.

    • #162525 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per your birth chart we see that 7th house of your horoscope is ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is weak as it is less than 1 degree in the 10th house and also combust as it is conjoined with Sun. Saturn is vargottama in your horoscope.  Venus the karka for marriage and relationship and Jupiter the karka for husband is in the 8th house and conjoined with Ketu, making both Venus and Jupiter weak in your chart. Marriage is there in your chart, but it is weak on the relationship front, therefore, horoscope matching will be important for getting marital bliss and happiness. Weak planets can bring delays and obstacles. The possibility of marriage is there in late 2025 and early 2026.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #162549 Reply
      Aditya Singh

      Dr Karman,

      Did some detailed study of your chart and found out few more observations. Kindly provide feedback against each.

      1. You planetary combination shows that you are into surgery (Su, Ma in 10th)

      2. Also, there is no link between your 5th and 7th house, love marriage seems unlikely, there are more chances of arranged marriage. However, please take this as advise only, as there is always freewill, which is above all.

      3. The kaarak of marriage Ve and House lord Sa – both are afflicted, but the house cusp is in good navansh, so the event will happen but the quality will not be good, you will have to very careful while finalizing the marriage.

      4. You have been quick at changing careers/jobs as you have aries sign placed in 10th house, also most of your energy/interests in life are focussed on career, in other words, for you career is most important. A digbali and exalted Sun will take you to great heights in your career.

      5. Career wise, I see you should be first in family to be a doctor.
      6. You are not afraid of anyone, born leader, a bit stubborn and help people in their problems.

      Aditya Singh

    • #162551 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dr. Karman

      I hope your marriage would be fixed and celebrated suddenly, as the significators are connected to 8th house. Your 5th cusp (love) sub lord, 7th cusp (groom) sub lord, 11th cusp (fulfilment of desires) sublord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in 8th house (tensions). Jupiter is in his own star and sub of Saturn (lord of 7th).This Saturn signifies Ketu in 7th house. So Jupiter has to give marriage. Success in love marriage.

      In transit Jupiter is in Moon star. Moon is in 6th house (detriment to 7th house), but applying to 7th house. Bhukti lord Saturn is transiting in Jupiter star. All these things will give you marriage.

      Let us see.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)


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