Will I get married ?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Shruti patel.
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    • #107036 Reply
      Shruti Patel

      Hello astrologers

      I want to know first if I have marriage in the cards?

      Second I want to know if I will have a good marriage partner?

      Why do I have so many issues with younger sister. Saturn is in third house i am aware …

      Dec 29 1991
      6:29 am
      Brampton Canada

      Thank u

    • #107037 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagan is Scorpio and Rashi is Libra. You are born under the Chitra star. you want to know if marriage is there in your horoscope. Well your 7th house which is the prime house of marriage is ruled by Venus. Venus is in Anuradha nakshatra which is ruled by Saturn. Because of which it will give slow results. Possibility of marriage is very much there in your horoscope, afters delays and obstacles. Regarding your younger sister, no matter you both have strong differences of opinion and you have compatibility issues. As I can see you tell her things or you restrict/stop/advise her because you care for her. She may not understand this because she is young, but one day she would. Don’t worry.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #107059 Reply
      Shruti patel

      Thank you for replying to my post. You are absolutely correct… I do try to restrict her from doing certain things and stay off of trouble but she lashes out on me. My older brother just told me to stay away from her because she is immature and let my parents discipline her instead…

      I hope one day I too will be able to get married like other girls my age 🙏🏽🙏🏽

      Thank you!

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