Navneet Khanna

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  • in reply to: Career #134046
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your horoscope, we see that your 10th house which is the house of Career has Rahu and Jupiter forming the Guru chandal dosha. Ketu is in the 4th house of family comforts. The period till 30th October 2023 will be challenging on the personal, and financial fronts. You can find respite by doing the remedies of Jupiter and Rahu.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Good placements #133949
    Navneet Khanna

    Very chart has good planetary position and some bad positions. In your horoscope you have Kemdruma dosha of Moon which will make you defocused, demotivated, lower your energy level, keep you less happy. But you also have Mercury and Sun forming the auspicious Bhudh Aditya yoga, which give you good memory, makes you seek perfection in everything you do. Your Sun mahadahsa ends on January 2024 and you enter Moon mahadahsa. You should do Shiva remedies for benefits.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Job or foreign travel #133948
    Navneet Khanna

    As per your horoscope you are passing through a period of Mercury and Mars. You are also passing through a period of Shani Dhaiyya as Saturn is in 4th position from your natal Moon. The period is challenging till March 2025. But it will bring you stability after October 2023. Keep trying for a job, and certainly, the cosmic energy favours you after 5th July 2023.

    Doing Shani remedies will help.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Career choice please help #133947
    Navneet Khanna

    With Venus at 29.24 degrees in her 10th house, just getting the state of debilitation. Venus is also with Rahu in the D9 chart, it is not a very good chart on the acting front. Venus in the 10th house with Mercury makes her creative, beautiful and multi talented. She can pursue modeling as a hobby. Sun and 2nd lord Jupiter in the 10th house gives her a good career and status in life.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Job #133946
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart, we see that you are passing through a period of Rahu mahadasha and Shukar antardasha, both are not well placed in your horoscope. The possibility of getting stability on the job front is not there. It is more likely that that you should think about doing your own work.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Health #133945
    Navneet Khanna

    In your birth chart, Exalted Saturn conjoined with Jupiter aspects lagana.  Jupiter is the planet of fat, Shani brings body pains. You are passing through a period of Shani Sadesatti and also Jupiter – Rahu period. Jupiter is conjoined with Rahu till 30th October 2023. You should do remedies of Rahu and Shani to find relief from body pains. Along with that, you also need to be more active and make necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health.

    1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily in the morning after bath

    2. Visit the Shani temple every Saturday evening.

    3. Go for regular walks, and reduce your weight.

    4. Drink water in a Silver glass

    5. Wear Pearl in Silver ring


    Navneet Khanna




    in reply to: Badhaka dosha #133932
    Navneet Khanna

    Every Saturday evening, you should feed poor people.


    Navneet Khanna




    in reply to: gem stone #133924
    Navneet Khanna

    Cats eye is not recommended, as his lagan lord is Leo, and Mercury rules his 2nd house of finance and 11th house of gains. Sun and Mercury form the most auspicious Bhudh Aditya yoga. He can wear Panna or Emerald in silver.


    Navneet Khanna

    Vedic astrologer

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