Navneet Khanna

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  • in reply to: Life partner meeting time #150539
    Navneet Khanna

    As per your horoscope we see that your lagan or ascendant is Virgo or Kanya. 7th house is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is posited in the 12th house which is not a good placement for Jupiter. Jupiter is also weak as it is in “Varidh Avastha”  at 29 degrees.

    There is Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope. Rahu in the 8th house aspects the 7th lord Jupiter. Ketu aspects Venus which is the significator of marriage, love and romance. Venus is also conjoined with Saturn which is the natural malefic planet and brings delays and obstacles. Your marriage house and significator or karka is very weak. This means that horoscope matching should be done before marriage. Marriage can be delayed due to the reasons explained above. Marriage seems to be after the 25th year of birth.


    Navneet Khanna

    Vedic Astrologer

    in reply to: When will I find my Future Girlfriend #150536
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart, we see that your lagan or ascendant is Virgo and Rashi is Leo. Mercury lord of Ascendant is debilitated in the 7th house which is the house of marriage, marital happiness, and spouse. Jupiter rules the 7th house and Jupiter is in its own house Pisces, which is very good forming the Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga. Venus is in Taurus its own house in the 9th house or the bhagyastan. Rahu aspects the 7th house which will bring delays and obstacles in marriage.

    Looking at your chart we see that your wife will be beautiful due to strong Venus in the bhagyastan. She will be highly educated and from a good family as Jupiter is strong in the 7th house. However, as Rahu aspects the 7th house, it will delay marriage and it is strongly recommended to do proper matching of the horoscope before marriage.

    The Marriage period is strong after the 28th year of birth.


    Navneet Khanna

    Vedic Astrologer

    in reply to: Check marriage with astrology #150370
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagan is Leo and Rashi is Scorpio. 7th house is the prime house of marriage and marital life. Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage and Saturn is in the 6th house which is the house of separation. This is not good in your chart. Saturn is also conjoined with SUn and hence combust which means that the 7th lord is in bad placement and also weak. Also we see that Venus which is the karka for marriage and love relationship is with Rahu in the 5th house. The horoscope is weak on the marriage front and hence there will be delays and also marital problems. It is very important to do proper matching of the horoscopes before marriage for a happy and blissful marital life.


    in reply to: Will i get to marry my current boyfriend #150369
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your chart we see that Lagan is Scorpio and Rashi is Taurus. 5th house is the house of love and romance. Presently Rahu is in the 5th house and you are passing through Rahu mahadasha and Ketu antardasha. The period is not promising to give you favourable results.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: want to know about job – Career Horoscope #150155
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at the above chart we see that the lagan is Sagittarius and Rashi is Scorpio. Mercury rules the 10th house which is the house of career and profession. Mercury is in the 12th house with Sun, forming the auspicious Bhudh Aditya yoga. The possibility of finding a good job is away from home. Ketu presently is in the 10th house. Ketu mahadasha is going on till November 2028. The period is not very satisfactory on the job and career front. Doing the Mercury and Ketu remedies will help.


    in reply to: Career? When will I get a job #150153
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart we see that your Lagan is Aries and Rashi is Scorio. Capricorn rules the 10th house which is the house of career and profession. Saturn is posited in the 10th house forming the auspicious Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga. This yoga should help you rise in life, but remember that Saturn is a planet that gives slow results, hence your career growth will be slow. Saturn in the 10th house aspects the 12th house which is for foreign lands. Rahu is in the 9th house. You should try to explore opportunities overseas. Ketu in the 3rd house is forming the pitra dosha. Doing the remedies of Saturn and Ketu will help.

    7th house is the house of the spouse. Venus rules the 7th house and Venus is debilitated which is not good on the relationship front. As Venus is debilitated in the 6th house it indicates separation. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscope.


    in reply to: physical characteristics of my future spouse WIFE #150152
    Navneet Khanna

    Yes your wife will be educated and pretty.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: clearing CA intermediate exams #150037
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagan is Libra and Rashi is Cancer. You are presently running the main period of Venus and sub period of Mars. You will enter the main period of Venus and sub period of Rahu in October 2024. Rahu is exalted and in the 8th house with Saturn forming the inauspicious Sharapit dosha. This is going to be a challenging period for you till 2027. Hardwork and dedication towards what you want to do will be important for getting favorable results. Do not leave anything to a chance.  Doing Rahu remedies will help.


    Navneet Khanna

    Vedic Astrologer

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