Navneet Khanna

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  • in reply to: Marriage #133733
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart, we see that Mars rules the 7th house of marriage. Mars is conjoined with Venus in the 9th house. Presently Rahu is in the 7th house, which is not good. The possibility of marriage is strong in 2024 once Rahu moves out of your 7th house after 30th October 2023.


    Navneet Khanna

    Vedic Astrologer

    in reply to: Onsite Opportunity and Career growth #133668
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart, we see that your lagan is Cancer and rashi is Pisces.  Mars rules the 10th house which is the house of career and profession. You have Jupiter , Rahu in the 10th house which is not good. There will be challenges on the work front. Due to Rahu problems with seniors, colleagues will be there. Work pressure will be high. You could be working on foreign projects and companies during this period.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Regarding bad times #133667
    Navneet Khanna

    As per your horoscope, you are in the main period of Saturn and sub period of Mars, this is not a good period for you. This period till November 2023 2ill not give your stability.  You should keep trying for a job. Remember keeping your long term career in focus and making a few adjustments in a challenging period is not a bad idea. You should get better opportunities after December 2023.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Field of study confusion please give a clarity 🙏 #133666
    Navneet Khanna

    With Mercury in your 5th house of education, IT line certainly is good for you, and you should pursue it seriously. Enhance your skills and you can have a  good career in IT sector.


    Navneet Khanna




    in reply to: Marriage #133642
    Navneet Khanna

    Your answer has already been answered in another post.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Marriage #133640
    Navneet Khanna

    If you look at your chart above, we see that Mars rules the 7th house of marriage. Katu is in the 7th house. When Ketu falls in the 7th house it reduces the good effects of the 7th house. Actually Rahu – Ketu axis on the 7th house is not good. Saturn which is retrograde in the 5th house aspects the 7th house. Your 7th house is certainly weak, due to which there will be challenges faced on the marriage front. The best for you is to get a proper matching of the horoscopes done before marriage for a blissful and happy marital life.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Extremely delayed marriage- #133603
    Navneet Khanna


    Cancer Lagna and Rashi. 7th house is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is posited in the 5th house of love and romance. This means a person who is very choose when it comes to an alliance. As Saturn is in its own Nakshatra, there is a strong possibility that things came very close to materializing on the marriage front and then withered away. Saturn has an aspect of Rahu from the 9th house or the bhagyastan which is not good. Saturn by nature is the planet of delays and obstacles and Rahu aspect makes it even worse to give results. Ketu aspects the 7th house. Your 7th house and 7th lord are both weak. I believe astrology is all about knowing yourself through the planetary energy. If you are willing to make few adjustments in the Sun period that is going on you can find a life partner. Remember Sun is 2nd house lord which is the house of family extension and Sun is vargottam which makes it strong.

    All the best in your life.


    Navneet Khanna




    in reply to: Gender of yoni #133601
    Navneet Khanna

    First, you should know that Yoni is one of the many things that is checked when we study horoscope matching, it is not the only thing.

    When we are matching birth charts, we check the compatibility on various fronts. Sexual compatibility is one of those fronts.

    It’s important to understand the concept of yoni in marriage matchmaking. If there is an incompatibility between the partners, then it suggests unsatisfied partners on the sexual front. Marriage is a deep bonding that is physical, mental, and psychological, and if there is incompatibility on any front, it will only leave the partners unhappy and unsatisfied in the relationship. This unhappiness will only create problems in marital life.

    Yoni is related to the sexual choices a person has. It may be more masculine or feminine. I can say it is a symbolic representation of the sexual energies associated with each person.

    Therefore, if a person who is a male has a female yoni, it simply means that the person is more feminine towards his sexual choices and preferences. It does not mean that the person is less male in any way. Similarly, if a female has a male yoni, it means that her sexual preference and choice are more masculine.


    Navneet Khanna



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