Navneet Khanna

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  • in reply to: Baby tension #133466
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart, 5th lord Venus is conjoined with Sun and respected by exalted but retrograde Jupiter from the 2nd house, which is the house of family expansion. Saturn in the 8th house with Rahu aspects the 5th house, bringing delays and also indicates the need for medical attention. You should consult a good gynecologist  for getting the desired results.

    Doing Jupiter remedies will help.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Shadi – arrange marriage or love marriage astrology #133460
    Navneet Khanna

    As per your kundali your 7th house has lot of affliction that is why there will be delays, obstacles in marriage. Doing a proper matching of the horoscope is important. Marriage can get delayed even as 32 years or more. You are mangalik, find a mangalik alliance for your self. Strong changes of arrange marriage are there. Doing Venus remedies will help.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: My Gf is Forever mate or just for some time #133459
    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your chart I can say that although there is a strong attraction between the two of you, but in the long run this will not be a very dependable relationship. There will be challenges and if you both work towards those it will be good. At present you are passing through Saturn – Moon period and then will enter the Saturn – Mars and Saturn – Rahu period. All these period are challenging periods in ones life. Doing the Saturn remedies will help.


    Navneet Khanna


    in reply to: Number Of Children chances?? #133458
    Navneet Khanna

    As per your birth chart, presently Rahu aspects the 5th house of children which is not favourable. You should try after 1st Nov 2023 for better results.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Career astrology #133436
    Navneet Khanna

    Please recheck your date of birth.


    Navneet Khanna


    Navneet Khanna

    Looking at your birth chart marriage is strong possibility after the 28th year of birth. As you have Mars in the 4th house from lagan and 7th house from Moon, it makes you mangalik. Do look for an manglaik alliance. Do proper matching of the horoscopes for a happy and blissful marital life.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Career Navneet sir Please help #133402
    Navneet Khanna

    You are passing through a period of Jupiter – Saturn till 22nd June 2023. This period from 2020 has not been a good period for you. This period is about to change, which means that you should look for new opportunities that are coming your way. Explore new avenues and be ready for a change in your work profile as you enter Jupiter – Mercury period.


    Navneet Khanna



    in reply to: Career confusion #133401
    Navneet Khanna

    career horoscope

    Looking at your birth chart we see that SUn which is the karka for Govt job is well placed in your horoscope in the house of gains. However 6th lord Jupiter is with Rahu in the 9th house which will bring challenges in your path. Ending period of Rahu mahadasha is also going on. You should give govt exams, but remember you should prepare very well for the same. It will not be easy. As per your chart as Mercury is exalted in the 12th house, even IT line will bring you long term gains.



    Navneet Khanna


Viewing 8 posts - 169 through 176 (of 4,772 total)