In your horoscope Mars rules the 7th house as its mooltrikona sign is positioned in the 7th house. Mars lord of 7th house is in the 11th house which is the house of gains. Venus the karka for marriage is positioned in the 12th house and in its sign of debilitation and cojoied with Rahu. Chances of marriage are very much in your horoscope, however it will be prudent that you match the horoscopes well so as to avoid marital tensions later in life. Strong chances are there for marriage before the 29th year of birth.
As you are in the main period of Mars and Mars is the yogakarka planet in your horoscope , you can test Red Corel in Silver on Tuesday morning before 10 AM for benefits.
Deepa your match has nadi dosha true matching score is 21/36 good .
But married life of the boy is not at all satisfactory so remedy for nadi dosha will be not effective Please note seriously thanks .
Deepa your match has nadi dosha true matching score is 21/36 good .
But married life of the boy is not all satisfactory so remedy for nadi dosha will be not effective thanks .