Navneet Khanna

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  • in reply to: marriage/career #866
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Mista Ji,

    Looking at your horoscope, Saturn in the 7th house is likely to delay marriage. As the 7th house of marriage is ruled by Mars your husband is likely to be a very freedom loving person. He will be highly active, strong , attractive, however some health issues could be there. The Jupiter which is the karka of Husband is debilitated in the bhagyastan. Matching of the horoscope will be must for happy married life. With proper matching you can avoid many problems and can have a long healthy married life.

    Saturn is the Yogakarka planet in your horoscope and is 10th to its Mooltrikona sign in your horoscope. Gradual growth in career is certain.

    in reply to: Marriage between couple #864
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Shri Rowan,

    The Ashtkoot Guna milan is 26.5 guna matching out of 36, we consider 18 as minimum for marriage. There is Bhakoot dosha, however the same gets cancelled or diminished as the Rashi lord is the same, which is Mars in your case. Therefore the Guna milan is quite favourable.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: marriage problem /settlement abroad #852
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Shri Aamir Ji,

    Chances of foreign travel are very much there, but settlement will not be easy. Saturn in the 10th house of your natal chart indicates that you will make money but slowly and after lot of hard work, you will not be lucky overnight and hit a jackpot although you want it that way as 6th lord is in the lagana, but as Saturn is positioned in the 10th house, you will see slow but sure gains in your career. It means that you will climb the ladder of growth gradually. slowly but surely. You are presently in the second dhayya of Saturns Sade Sati . This period usually can be very destructive in ones life and leads to financial losses and health issues. You still have approx 3 and half years of Sadesatti period remaining. Doing the remedies will surely bring you gains.

    1. Donate Kali Dal every Saturdays to a needy person.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: Family dispute #851
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Shri Nayak Ji,

    Looking at your horoscope, you are in the main period of Saturn and the Sub period of Saturn till September 2014. Saturn although in libra its sign of exaltation get weak because it is in the 12th house and also aspected by Rahu from the 8th house. The period till May 2014 especially need careful handlign as unwanted tensions can be on the rise. Conflicks and controntations with Family members and relatives could be there. Family peace will get affected. The time is to keep low profile and do things silently without the knowledge and attention of others. People critical of you will try to harm you in many ways. certainly some improvement in your period can be expected after 22 November 2013, but you shuld be willing to compromise and ready for adjustments and believe in forget and forgive.

    Doing the following remedies will help.

    1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.
    2. Hanuman Ji ki Puja every Saturdays.
    3. Shani Puja every Saturdays.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: sons marriage #850
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Shri Jagannathan Ji,

    Thanks for posting your question on

    Saturn rules the 7th house of your Sons horoscope. Saturn being the 7th lord is surely to delay marriage. Saturn is exalted in the kendra forming the Sasa yoga. The native will enjoy working with his hand. He will have deep seva bhav and be always ready to help others. The native has partial mangal dosha with Mars in the 12th from Lagana. Matching of the horoscopes should be encouraged for marital happiness. Strong chances of marriage are after May 2014. The boy is also running the second dhayya of Shani Sade Sati.

    Doing the following remedies will expedite the goals earlier.

    1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.
    2. Doing the Shani Puja every Saturdays.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: time of marriage #840
    Navneet Khanna

    Dear Amna Ji,

    Looking at your horoscope, You have Kalsarp dosha in your horoscope, which is formed when all the planets are on one side of Rahu and Ketu axis. The native with this dosha have to work extremely hard to achieve their objectives. Life is never a cakewalk and they suffer on many front.

    Regarding your marriage as I can make out marriage proposals are coming but not getting materialised. The 7th lord Moon is in the state of infancy as has aspect of debilitated Rahu from the 6th house. There is only delay but not denial and you will see the second half of 2014 most likely to bring you favourable results. Keep searching for suitable alliances and not a time to sit back and relax. The Marriage yoga is very much going on and you need to grab things when they are in your favour.

    Doing the Jupiter and Moon Remedies will surely bring you gains.


    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: Marriage/School/Job #839
    Navneet Khanna

    Debiliated Rahu in the 4th house, Saturn in the 5th house of your Natal chart. You are presently in the Main period of Mercury and sub period of Venus , both planets which are in the state of infancy and in the 12th house. Your results will be good but below your expectations. Debilitated Ketu in the 10th house of marriage will make you highky inclined towards your profession, you will do quite well in your job but stability will be after the 28th year of birth. Marriage I can only tell you if I have both charts in front of me, however love marriage chances are strong in your horoscope.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

    in reply to: marriage/relationship/soulmate #838
    Navneet Khanna

    Please provide the Date, Time & Place of Birth for Horoscope analysis.

    God Bless,

    Navneet Khanna

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