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  • in reply to: What Is My Gana – Dev, Manushya or Raksha Gana #2106

    Your star Chittira (Chitra) belongs to Asura Gana (Rakshasa Gana). So what are you going to do. Annihilate all Devas???

    These are only classifications of stars just like in inventory control you have ABC Classification. The same way stars are classifed into three Deva, Manushya and Asurara, but it does not mean that you will have their characteristics at all.

    Many people in Deva Gana are sewage cleaners and many in Asuragana are worshipping in temple and philanthropists and people in Manushyagana there are butchers by profession.

    These are all myths in Astrology.Don’t get carried away by these.

    in reply to: Gaja Kesari Yoga In My Horoscope #2105

    Yes you have a powerful Gajakesari Yoga in your horoscope(91% strong). You will enjoy it during your Moon Dasa of 10 years from 2020 to 2030. In fact it will manifest itself in almost all dasas for sometime, but the maximum benefit will be in Moon Dasa and Jupiter Dasa.

    in reply to: My Daughter is born in moola nakshatra 1 st pada #2077

    Being Born in Moola Nakshatra is not something bad. One out of 27 people born in this world have Moola Nakshatra and so do others born in other nakshatra too. Do you think all of them have problems? These are all certain superstitions associated with astrology.

    For all people born in Moolanakshatra, one out of four are being born in the first pada. These generalised predictions that it has some problems as propagated by wayside astrologers are all just to further their interests in money making.

    So do not believe all that. Your daughter has a net strength of 51% for her horoscope which is rather Good. Do not worry about anything.

    You will get a better picture of astrology if you visit my articles on

    in reply to: I am worried about my marriage #2076

    Marriages are made in heaven. When and why you are born in this world is known to God only and if marriage and procreation is destined, you will have it at the appropriate time. Astrology can only give you an insight into how good a marriage you will have and the success factor of your marriage.

    Marriage is not a bed of roses. Before marriage you will crave for one and after marriage to maintain the marriage comfortably is a herculean task. So leave it to fate or destiny. There is little point in worrying about it. Marriages are not made, they happen.

    In your horoscope 7th house which signifies Marital Bliss has a good strength and the most probable time of marriage will be around October 2015. However your 4th house which indicates mental happiness is very poor and therefore by nature, you are a worrying type and always in tension about the uncertain future.

    If you want to have a good look at your horoscope do come through Paid services and in the meantime visit my blog to get a scientific insight into Astrology.

    in reply to: Promotion when Will I Get #2073

    To study abroad, you should first learn to use English language correctly. Your first question is wrongly worded. Can you find the mistake.

    Your second question is also having a grammatical mistake.

    The answer to the third question is work hard with diligence and dedication.

    in reply to: Promotion when Will I Get #2070

    Astrology is to be used for solving your problems if you have any. It cannot be used for predicting events such as when you will get a promotion or when you will take your next leave and go for a vacation and where will you go for a holiday etc.

    Yes you can find out the overall success in your career and associated gains therefrom as well as the measure of your job satisfaction etc. Please read my articles on this site as well as in

    And if you still feel that such questions can be answered using astrology, do let me know.

    in reply to: Auspicious Date for Cesarean Delivery #2067

    To my mind, it is a futile exercise. Births and Deaths are totally controlled by God and you cannot manipulate it with the assistance of a doctor or anyone for that matter. It is misusing astrology which is a sin. Even if I can tell you a best time for conducting the Cesarean, it does not help since most often the doctors get delayed and it cannot be done at the desired time. And even if you are able to do it, the time of birth is the time when the baby cries for the first time and that is definitely not in the hands of anyone.

    And giving you a date is again totally meaningless since there are good times and bad times within a day which you cannot have any control on.

    Do read my articles on which will give you a better picture of how Astrology can be used in your life.

    in reply to: Rashi and Nakshatra of new born baby boy #2066

    Moon sign is Dhanu(Sagittarius) Rasi and the nakshatra is Moola. This will remain unchanged even if you apply different schools of thought in Astrology. Do read my blog on to have a better understanding of Astrology.

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