Reply To: Deepak sir please help



being astrologer yourself guess you have analyzed the horoscope already.

Some major trends (per Chalit not lagna)
* Venus-Saturn conjunction in 5th house makes him lucky, creative (most potent combination of his horoscope)
* Jupiter & Mars located in 7th house in LEO makes him dynamic in partnerships and will bring gains in public dealings
* Mercury is retrograde and combust behind Sun thereby reducing mathematical/analytical skills
* Rahu in second will give gift of gab and ability to make impressions

He is under Rahu Mahadasha since 26/5/2013 which is not great(wid Sat/Ketu/Ven bhukti showing good combination for education) and either creative fields (writing/journalism/acting) or law (given Jupiter/Saturn influence on 7th house) will suit him the best. He will see full Jupiter and Saturn Mahadasha in his youth and business would be best for him given prominent 7th house (loads of 2,7,10 business combination across his planets).

God Bless,
Astrologer Deepak